Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Am Second

I Am Second - that means put God first. It's a new ad campaign for Christ. Campaigners include the lead singer from Korn, a NASCAR driver, a NFL coach, an American Idol (Jason Castro), and a soldier:

I am second...are you?

Chatty Kelly


Leslie said...

Very powerful. I didn't know that Jason Castro is a Christian. I found him to be so likeable on Idol (and talented, too). He has that shining light that draws you to him. I suppose I should have guessed why!

Edie said...

Wow this was a powerful video. I have to confess that I can relate to the struggle it is sometimes to put God first. It's part of the faith walk. Learning to let go of our own dreams and trust that His dreams for our life are so much greater. It's a process.

I am second.

Jenny said...

Great Video, very moving.

I am second.

Carmen Gamble said...

I watched a couple of them, and bookmarked it. Really powerful, and timely. It's so easy to fall into a "christianese" lifestyle without giving much thought to Who you're serving. It's like saying and doing the right things though our hearts may be far from Him...very deep!

Mocha with Linda said...

Okay, this makes me feel really old.

Because in 1971, Christian football player Gale Sayers (anyone remember the movie Brian's Song? He was Brian Piccolo's best friend. Brain died of cancer.) wrote his autobiography, titled I Am Third. The title's significance was that God was first, his friends were second, and he was third.

LisaShaw said...

Love that! KEEP GOD FIRST!

LisaShaw said...

I closed out quicker than I intended. Wanted to say that I pray all is well with you and your precious family Kelly.

Love you!

B His Girl said...

Interesting Kelly...A friend just emailed this to me. Less means MORE. B

Greg C said...

I am third. Jesus is first, everyone else is second and I am third.

J esus
O thers
Y ou

Great post Kelly!!

My ADHD Me said...

This was just awesome.
Thanks for playing it.