"Thank God it's Friday!" According to Wikipedia this is a common U.S. expression of relief at the end of the work week and anticipation of the weekend. It has come to have little meaning other than "I'm glad it's Friday!" or "It's the weekend, let's party."
Take a closer look. It says THANK GOD it's Friday. Have you ever literally thanked God for your Friday?Why not pray to God right now praising him for today...and then if someone says to you "Thank God it's Friday" you can say "I already did!"
Isn't it ironic how we take sayings such as this for granted? Our money is printed with the phrase "In God We Trust." Do we? Economic times are hard right now, when you are paying your bills are you saying "God I trust you" or just "Oh my god."
The Battle Hymn of the Republic is a popular military anthem. We sing, "His truth is marching on." That line is referring to God. It says HIS truth is marking on. Is it? Are we marching in the truth, passing it on? One of the verses says:
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
It is suggested that if you are not military you change the lyrics from "let us die to make men free" to "let us LIVE to make men free."
I hope I am living to make men and women free. Free to live a life for Jesus, to praise him and thank him in all things.
Thank you God, it's Friday!
Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at www.kellycombs.com