Wednesday was the first day of Lent. Lent is a Christian observerance from Ash Wednesday to Easter, in the liturgical church. I grew up in the Lutheran church and we always "gave up" something for Lent, whether it be red meat, or chocolate or something else.
Lent can be a good thing, when done correctly. The Bible does call for us to fast and pray, and Lent provides a way for many people to do that. As you are making the sacrific of the item you are fasting from, you are supposed to pray every time you want that item, and focus on Jesus and what he gave up for you. (His life).
At the same time, Lent is not "Biblical." You will find no references to Lent in the Bible. Lent was created by the church, not by Jesus. It is a way to "pay penance" for our sins. That is the part that concerns me. While some definitions of penance refer to being repentant (sorry) for our sins, others refer to it as a punishment for our sins.
We cannot pay the price for our own sins. The work of our salvation was finished on the cross. Jesus paid the full. Nothing I do on earth can add to my salavation. Jesus said, "It is finished." It's done. He did it.
As a "works based" girl, this is hard for me to remember. I try to do more, or give up more, or be more so God will notice me and like me. Truth is, I don't have to do more or give up anything, because He didn't just "notice" me, He MADE me, and He loves me, sending His son to die so I don't have to be more.
As a "works based" girl, this is hard for me to remember. I try to do more, or give up more, or be more so God will notice me and like me. Truth is, I don't have to do more or give up anything, because He didn't just "notice" me, He MADE me, and He loves me, sending His son to die so I don't have to be more.
That's not to say there isn't work to be done on earth. God calls us to be living sacrifices, and to daily lift up our cross and follow Him. That's why I'm not taking the 40 days of Lent to try and do works for Jesus. I pray my life is lived that way. Not because of what I have to earn. Not because of the price I need to pay. But simply because I love Him. And because He loved me first.
Are you observing Lent this year? Why or why not?
Are you observing Lent this year? Why or why not?
Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at