On Tuesday she posted about what NOT to say in your query letter. One of the things is how long you've been writing, "Since I was a young girl I've enjoyed writing." The fact is, how long you've been writing is not as relevant as how good a writer you are. Then to allow us to get it out of our system, she encouraged us to leave comments on how long we've been writing.
I commented that I've only written for publication for about 2 years. Later, when I went back to read other comments and read all these "since grade school" comments, I remembered something. In 2nd grade I won the writing contest in my class! And it was published in the school newsletter!
Now the problem with this wonderful memory is that I can't put it in my next query letter. No one cares. But you know where I can share it? RIGHT HERE! So, I won the creative writing contest in my 2nd grade class, and here is my true & real entry:
Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, in the air,
Jack-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, give me a stare.
Jack-o-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, on a stick,
Jack-0-lantern, Jack-o-lantern, quick, quick, quick.
Please do not ask me what this means, I have no idea. Why was the pumpkin in the air, or on a stick or in a hurry? I don't know. But what I do know it this...
I am a published, award-winning writer. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!