Saturday, October 17, 2009


The newest member of our family is Annie, a golden retriever puppy. She will be coming home with us on October 31, when she is 8 weeks old. My daughters are THRILLED to say the least. I'm a little apprehensive, as we already have 2 Boston Terriers, but I was outvoted. No doubt, Annie will be providing me lots of devotional material on patience, grace, mercy and forgiveness. *grin*

Chatty Kelly


Tammy said...

She is so cute!

KrippledWarrior said...

My daughter has already left the nest. But her dog is still here. She is the best dog I've ever owned. Have un...

Edie said...

Awwww! She's so cute! So are her siblings. :) Hey retrievers are great family dogs. A bit high energy but just turn the dogs and kids loose in the backyard for a couple of hours and everyone will sleep well at night. LOL!

Looking forward to more pictures. Have fun!

Carmen said...

Oh, she's just ADORABLE!!!

So, since you got outvoted, does that mean you also don't have to take care of cleaning oopsies from the floor, doggie walks, scooping up you know what, etc.? LOL...never mind...I already know the answer to that. I'm sure the hours of lovin' will make up for that! Enjoy this little one!!

Beth.. One Blessed Nana said...

She is just adorable. I know the kids are so excited.

KrippledWarrior said...

You should have listened to the Johnny Cash song. It's a gospel song about the second coming...

Susan said...

Aw adorable! I know I would so have one if someone else could get them through the puppy stage. Have fun...can't wait to read the devotionals!

2Thinks said...

Oh, I'd love to have one of these. Always wanted a puppy, actually wanted to rent a puppy and return it periodically when it got to be too much. Your kids are soooo lucky.

Thanks for that encouraging comment you left me on my review. I needed that. That was hard for me. I thought it'd be easier. Maybe it'll get easier. Deadlines make me insane though- I'm not going to click on the "special let's all post on the same day" books anymore. I don't think the regular titles have deadlines.

I'm still one review behind the eight ball.

Now for one more gaze at that cute puppy. What will you name it?

Sharon@JoyInTheTruth said...

She is adorable! :)

Can't wait to hear more about her once she moves in!

Vashti said...

She is amazing! so so so cute!. I am in the process of getting rid of 12 puppies! Want one? I can UPS it!

My ADHD Me said...

Is this something you had been thinking about? What a surprise! She's adorable and I love her name!

Kay Martin said...

You'll have plenty to post on when the puppy arrives!!! The children will love it and you'll get through it! It's that housebreaking that nearly breaks me.

Linda said...

She's pretty adorable! Most kids get candy on Halloween though! ha.

KelliGirl said...

How adorable! I love golden retriever and yellow lab puppies. (I've had both.) But, oh girlfriend, you have your work cut out for you!!! Those puppies are soooo bad. If they weren't so darn adorable...! Get a good training book, like Puppies for Dummies, and later a good dog trainer. With a big dog training is imperative. Patience, perseverance and consistency.

Can't wait to hear about it.

B His Girl said...

Oh,she is so cute. I can't wait to read your stories. I'm excited for the girls. I love dogs! b