1. I am a sinner saved by grace. But unfortunately I'm not too keen on admitting what my sins are. That is between me & God.
2. If your blog post is one long post with no paragraphs - I'm not reading it! It looks too long, so I hit the next blog.
3. I can't stand music on 95% of blogs. I do love Sharon's because the song always compliments her post and I think that is so cool! And if the song is quiet and slow I like it, but I don't want to get blasted out of my chair by contemporary music while blogging. And it's hard to read with music jangling in my head.
4. I am cynical and don't believe most things I read. ("Send this email to everyone you know.") That is why it is so amazing to me that I am a Christian, because I am a cynic! I check everything on http://www.snopes.com/ and most of it is false. But I do believe the bible 110%.
5. Only up to #5?!?!?! Hmmmm. Sometimes I don't like getting tagged, because it breaks the flow of my blog, but if I don't get tagged I feel rejected like "why didn't they tag me?" Goofy I know, but it's me.
6. I can be impatient. I have love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and sometimes even gentleness and self-control. But not much patience. I am working on it - and am much better than I used to be!
7. My mom is an alcoholic! I used to be ashamed to admit this, but I'm not anymore, because IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! I didn't cause it, I can't fix it. Amen!
8. I hate entertaining. I get all worked up, nervous, type A, crazy. I'd much rather come to YOUR house.
9. Gracious, this is boring to even me? Do you really want to hear 6 more things? Umm, I am addicted to coffee - ALL coffee.
10. Okay, I watch American Idol. I pretend I don't and feel very superior to those who do and admit it, but I am a closet watcher. Okay! Deal with it. I even voted. (Oh, the humiliation).
11. I am obsessive with tooth hygiene. I floss twice a day or more. One of my Top 10 fears in having food stuck in my teeth in public.
12. I was an extra in a movie with Charlie Sheen and Linda Hamilton...but they re-shot the scene I was in, so I wasn't in the movie...and it went straight to DVD anyway.
13. I am not superstitious AT ALL. (Notice this is number 13!)
14. I have no desire to home school. I'm glad my kids go to school, because frankly I need the break. I'm a better mom because they go to school. (See #6 above).
15. I hope to write a devotional book that will be published one day. I don't want to admit it because if I fail... Well, there it is - I admitted it.
So 15 things about me. BORING!