As I prayed, I asked God to help me be humble. I am preparing to speak at a women's retreat later this year, and I want to make sure the women see God, not me. But ironically, as I said the word humble, I stumbled on it, making it sound like, "Hummmmummmmble." It reminded me of when a TV character is trying to say something they don't want to. Consider Fonzie on Happy Days trying to say, "I was wrong." So after I said, "Help me be hummmummmble," I laughed out loud at myself.
As I went on to pray, I apologized to God for laughing, then went on to thank him for our sense of humor. I said, "Lord, I don't know if you laugh, but I do know we are made in your image and we have a sense of humor, so I suspect that you do too." After my prayer time, I went on to read my Bible. The day before I had read Psalm 90 - Psalm 93. I thought I'd pick up at Psalm 94. But then, I was drawn to go back and start at the beginning of Psalms. I would read Chapters 1-3.
Imagine my surprise when I read Psalm 2:4, "The One enthroned in heaven laughs." What? Really God! I had literally just asked God if he laughed, as much hypothetically than literally, and there it was in the Bible. Surely God did laugh at my surprise!
But as I studied the verse I realized that here the Lord was laughing in derisive laughter, or mockery. As I did a word study of the word LAUGH throughout the Bible, I realized most times that God laughed it was in mockery of the wicked. I definitely don't want to make God laugh at me like this!
Still, the Bible is clear, there is "a time to weep, and a time to laugh" (Ecc 3:4), and that because of our joy over the great things God has done "our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing." (Ps 126:2) It's okay for us to laugh!
Still, I don't want to make God laugh at me. Rather, I will strive to make Him smile.