Shopping, wrapping, baking, and decorating are all things I enjoy! But it can get overwhelming when coupled with all of the day-to-day things like laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning. Several years ago I made a decision. So I could fully focus on my family and the "reason for the season" I took the month of December off from blogging. It was a great time of relaxation and joy for me.
At the time I took the blog break, I had almost 100 daily readers and averaged 25+ comments a day. However my blog never recovered from that break. Now on average I have about 35 daily readers and get a comment or two on occasion. Do I regret my decision to take the holiday season off? Well, honestly, a little.
Yet, I knew I did was best for me personally, as well as my family. A wise person once said, "writing may be your gift, but your family is your ministry." My family is my ministry. And so I always try to put them first. In doing so, I am honoring God who gave me both the gift of writing, and the bigger gift of my family.
So, if you notice the blog posts coming less frequently during over the next month, don't be surprised. I'm honoring God and my family, and taking a well earned rest. After all, it's the holiday season! So whoop-de-do!