Tip: Those cute little "WWJD" and vanity Jesus plates are canceled out by your aggressive driving. WWJD? Not drive like a {expletive deleted} I bet!
I commented back:
Jesus didn't drive. He walked every where. Even on water. ☺
He retorted:
oh my bad. I thought the 2nd 'W' in WWJD stood for 'would', not 'did'. So in that case... What (W)did Jesus Do? Probably not walk like a {deleted}.
My brother in law is an atheist. As Jesus put it, "In this world, you will have trouble." And my brother-in-law has experienced troubles. And he blames God. I wish I had the words to show him how much God loves him. How, yes, he would still have trouble even if he accepted God, but would also have the peace and hope that comes from a Savior.
What WOULD Jesus do? You know, I don't know. Jesus had a knack for always doing what was least expected. He worked on the Sabbath, healing. He sat alone with a woman, and a Samaritan woman at that. He was a king born in a stable.
What WOULD Jesus do? I don't know. There are a lot of things I wish Jesus would do, that He hasn't done. But that doesn't change who He is. "What would Jesus do" is a funny little phrase that we use to determine how we should act as Christians. We don't know what Jesus would do, and even though we think we know what he should do, we often get that wrong too.
What Would Jesus do? I only know what he did do. He did say, "In this world you will have trouble," but he continued, "But take heart! I have overcome the world." He died on a cross, taking on my sins, and yours, so that we may have eternal life. He doesn't end the trouble of this world. Christians don't lead a charmed life. But we have hope of overcoming the troubles of this world. We have hope of eternal life. We have hope.
What Did Jesus do? Enough.