Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow Day in Virginia

The snow is coming down here in Virginia. We currently have 10" on the ground! I'll post pictures next week.

I've updated my examiner page with snow day recipes including hot chocolate and snow cream, and will update tomorrow with fun things to do on a snowy day, so come by and check it out. Leave me a comment there if you have time!

Click the examiner link in the previous paragraph to go to the recipe article, or the "Tips for Moms" button below to go to my main examiner page and see all the articles. Thanks for visiting!

Kelly Combs's Tips for Moms

Chatty Kelly

Friday, January 29, 2010

I'll Start My Diet on Monday!

So how are your goals going? You know the ones. Maybe you are trying to lose weight, or read the Bible in a year. Maybe this is going to be the year where going to spend less time on the computer, or keep the house straight ALL the time. And if the goals are not going well, you feel like a failure. And maybe you give up.

Being a Type A perfectionist myself, I set lofty goals. And these goals always start with a new year, or a new month, or a Monday. I'd never consider starting a diet on a Tuesday! That just doesn't make sense! You need to start at the beginning. But when you fail on a Monday, and you have to weight wait until the next Monday to begin anew, that is a whole lot of time to wallow in failure, (and chocolate.)

But God doesn't want you to wait until Monday, or next month, or Jan 1, 2011. The Bible tells us God's mercy is new EVERY day! He loves you, and wants you to dedicate your goals to him. Through His strength we can achieve. And when we do fail, because our flesh is weak, we need not beat ourselves up for days. Because His mercy is new every day.

Lamentations 3:22,23 -- It is through the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. (21st Century King James Version)

Proverbs 16:3 -- Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Chatty Kelly

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Power of Hope

Have you ever felt hopeless? Divorce, death of a spouse or child, critical illness, and job loss are all reasons that provoke hopelessness. In our failing economy, many are losing jobs, homes, vehicles and retirement value. How can we remain hopeful in bad times? What is the power of hope?

To find out, join me over at Titus 2 in Action by clicking the button below.

Titus 2 in Action

Chatty Kelly

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Psalm by Chatty Kelly

A number of Psalms are acrostic poems where each line or verse begins with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Psalm 34 and Psalm 25 are two examples of this.

Edie at Rich Gifts inspired readers a while back to try to write a Psalm using that style to begin with, only using the English alphabet. Thanks Edie. Here is mine.

Almighty God
Create in me a clean heart
Do not turn your face from me
Excellent Most High
Giver of all things
Holy, holy, holy
Immanuel - God with us
Knowledge comes only from You.
Lover of my soul,
My Redeemer,
Never leave me, never forsake me.
Open my heart to your word.
Prince of Peace
Quiet my mind, so I hear only you.
Restore me.
Save me from my sins, O Lord.
Teach me your ways, that they may be mine.
Understanding only comes from you.
Vanish not from me, but stay with me.
Whether in want or plenty let me be satisfied in you.
Xcellent are you, oh God.
Yahweh - I AM
Zephyr - Your voice whispers.
Why not try writing your own?

Chatty Kelly