Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee is hosting the random dozen today, and I couldn't resist participating.
1. Are you pleasant when you're ill, or are you a grumpy, fussy patient?
Knock on wood, I am rarely ill. Whem I am, as long as you leave me to my sickness I am pleasant. Don't bother me, and I won't bother you.2. When you find out that school is canceled (due to inclement weather) what is your gut reaction?
Usually I'm really excited! A lazy day in PJs is just the thing. Playing in the snow is fun! However, in the past 13 days, my kids have gone to school twice. So, it's becoming less exciting each time, and school is closed again today for more snow!GO TO SCHOOL ALREADY!3. What is one domestic skill you wish you could improve?
Decorating! I can cook okay, and clean already, but my decor is nothing to write home about. I wish I could create a look for my home.4. Do you decorate your home for Valentine's Day?
See #3 above...that's a no.5. What song is on your mind today?
What song isn't? My mind is nothing but a mix of songs all the time. I've been singing American Dream by Nitty Gritty Dirt band, because with all this snow, I'm thinking dreaming about Jamaica in the moon light (sandy beaches drinking rum every night!). And no, I've never really been there.6. Do you prefer contemporary movies or classic?
Contemporary. I love watching a good modern movie. There are exceptions...Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Sound of Music and the Christmas movie Miracle on 34th Street...adn all the Disney classics. Okay, I like all movies.7. How well do you "compartmentalize" your feelings? For example, how well can you put aside a really trying moment to deal with the immediate situation which is not related to the trying moment, e.g., putting aside a tiff with your spouse in order to finish wallpapering a room.
It depends. I can be the queen of cool, but get with a good friend and I let it all hang out so to speak. But pretty much I can compartmentalize.8. What is the first thing that attracted you to your spouse? (Or if you're single, to your best friend.)
His wit.9. When was the last time your heart raced?
If I can't remember that means it was too long ago. Probably the last time I went to the gym, and it's been months!10. What are your memories of Valentine's Day at school?
I don't really remember anything about elementary Valentine's day. But then I've blocked out alot of my childhood...I mean compartmentalized it. ;-)11. If you were going to receive candy for Valentine's Day, which would you prefer?
Godiva chocolates are the bomb! MMmmm. Or keeping it simple, a Hershey bar with almonds.12. Red or pink?
This is the toughest question. Hot pink & red are my two favorite colors. But Hot Pink wins it!!! (If its pale pink - I go with red).To visit more blogs participating in the Random Dozen, Visit
Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee.