Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tebow Commericals

Here are a couple of cartoons in response to the pro-abortion opposition to the Tebow commercials during the Superbowl.

If you didn't see the ads, visit Focus on the Family to see them, or learn more about chosing life.

Chatty Kelly


Andrea said...

Hope you are having an awesome day. Sitka has an award for you at All Gods Creatures.
Hugs and prayers, andrea

Susan said...

I just posted an editorial the other day that moved me about this whole issue. I'll tell ya', I don't get all the hype!


Lois Lane II said...

I don't even understand what the whole controversy was about (Well, I know what it was about, but why was it such a big deal???). Even my liberal friends were like, "THAT'S what everybody was freaked out about??"

Jeanette Levellie said...

Very good points! I didn't see the commercial, but heard it wasn't all that big a deal. Why is everyone so hot over it?

KrippledWarrior said...

It(The controversy) is an attempt by the NOW to become relevant again. By sacrificing their unborn children on the alter of free-choice, They have no second generation to carry their torch. So they complained about the violence. Because they couldn't come right out and say "That woman should have killed her boy, Like the doctor told her to."

Tammy said...

Great cartoons.

myletterstoemily said...

how could anyone have been offended by the
most nonsensical commercial ever.

it was not pro-live enough for me! i had such
high expectations.

my (adult) kids kept asking, "why did he tackle
his mom?"

you have a great blog here. look forward to coming

myletterstoemily said...

how could anyone have been offended by the
most nonsensical commercial ever.

it was not pro-live enough for me! i had such
high expectations.

my (adult) kids kept asking, "why did he tackle
his mom?"

you have a great blog here. look forward to coming

myletterstoemily said...

how could anyone have been offended by the
most nonsensical commercial ever.

it was not pro-live enough for me! i had such
high expectations.

my (adult) kids kept asking, "why did he tackle
his mom?"

you have a great blog here. look forward to coming

Lea said...

I purposely steer clear of thee entire superbowl hooplah... so had no idea what this was... but will visit focus on the family.
I think I could throw the television out the window and think nothing of it other than... the mess I'd have to clean up outdoors. lol
Have a great day Kelly!!!...

My ADHD Me said...

Oh yes, Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction" and mega beer commercials are MUCH better for a family focused football game.

Jenny said...

The cartoons were funny, especially the second one! Thanks for sharing.

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Sheesh. I cannot understand the logic of some people out there. I saw on Fox News that some radical feminist was accusing the commercial of promoting VIOLENCE against women because of the one where Tebow tackles his mom.

If that had been a Budweiser commercial, no one would have ever said a word.

Chel's Leaving a Legacy said...

Sheesh. I cannot understand the logic of some people out there. I saw on Fox News that some radical feminist was accusing the commercial of promoting VIOLENCE against women because of the one where Tebow tackles his mom.

If that had been a Budweiser commercial, no one would have ever said a word.

Edie said...

You know I don't do sports and I don't watch tv and there isn't anyone around to force me (geez, I need to get a life) anyway, I just now saw the commercial and I don't really get what the big deal is. It's just ridiculous.