The back cover of the book seems to lead the reader to believe it's about Lynne's daughter, Britney Spears. It says "We all want our children to succeed. What happens when they do? Britney wanted to sing every since she was a little girl." The subtitle even says "A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World." If you're looking for a book about Britney this isn't it.
It is truly a book about Lynne Spears and her walk through life. Unfortunately it tries to take on too much of her life, jumping here and there in a haphazard fashion which I found to be somewhat confusing.
The sad thing is, this could have been two good books. One book could have been about her meeting & marrying Jamie Spears, raising their children and all the ins and outs of their life. That would have been an interesting book. The other book could have been about her love for his sister, Sandra, and Sandra's death at the age of 59.
By combining both topics into one book it seemed to try and squeeze to much in there. And the chapter called "Friendships," while a nice tribute to her friends would have been better served in the acknowledgements section than in the actual book.
Lynne does sum up her faith in the chapter "A Mother's Heart." The best part of the book says "I wish I would have gone deeper with my children in terms of building up their faith We always went to church and vacation bible school...but I see now that they could have benefited greatly by drawing closer to God through daily Bible reading and devotional reading. They said their prayers every night, but in retrospect, I should have helped them understand the power of prayer for every situation life throws at us."
Those sentences are something every Christian should read and learn from. We don't want to make those same mistakes in raising our own children, but want them to have a living vibrant faith, not just a tradition with no depth. If even one person reads those words, and changes their direction with their kids, than I say the book was worth being written.
Overall, I'd give the book 5 out of 10 stars. It wasn't horrible, but it was simply average.
***Because I received this book for free for the purposes of reviewing it, I'd love to give it away. If you'd like to win the book, leave me a comment saying so, and I'll randomly draw a winner and mail you the book free of cost. (Winner must provide their mailing address). Comments received through noon Saturday will be eligible. I'll draw and announce Sunday).
If you don't want to win the book, you can still leave me a comment, just say "but I don't want to win the book."