Out of the blue, I received a phone call from a local congregation asking for me to speak at their Women's Lunch. I now realized why God had wanted me to wait. I tend to run ahead of God. With this speaking opportunity coming my way, with no effort on my own part, I had to give glory to God. It's not me, it's Him. He wanted to remind me of that.
God also gave me a topic to speak of at this event. The word "captive" came to mind, and so I called my speech "Captivated." While God gave me a clear topic, He did not give me the material. I've been praying, studying, meditating and writing. I'm finally in the home stretch and ready.
On Saturday as I was finishing up my speech, I began thinking about adding a song. We're doing an invitation at the end of my talk, for anyone who wants to learn more about Jesus. The women will be given a chance to come up and pray with the Women's leaders and me. So I began praying for a song to play during this time of invitation.
Saturday evening, during my normal blog reading time, I visited a dear blogger Sharon Sloan at Joy in the Truth. She had posted a song that had been speaking to her heart. The title of this song? Captivated, by Vicky Beeching. I was stunned. I expected God to answer my prayer, but not in such an "in your face" way. Undeniable, unbelievable, without a doubt the song meant for my talk, straight from God in an answer to my prayer.
I am captivated. And if this is what it is like to be captive to Christ, I never want to be set free.
Romans 6:22 -- But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.
What an awesome testimony to listening and following God! During the She Speaks Conference, Did you happen to pick up one of those Bible verses the night that Renee Swopes talked? The ones they had left for all of us under the cross? Did you feel that it applied to you in any way? Just curious.
I know your speech will reach many hearts as God knows just what your listeners need to hear! How wonderful that you were obeidant and waited for God to give you the words and song!
I know what you mean about God being right up front with you. Lately He has been doing the same thing for me. I am wondering though if maybe he was always right up front with me but I just wasn't looking. Way to go Kelly.
Great post. If our motives are pure this is probably the toughest part of ministry today. With spin, hype and human promotion one can launch a successful Christian ministry. Knowing when to move out and when to wait is the key.
I've done it both ways. Having God show me the door, hand me the key and then I unlock and turn the doorknob to enter is the only way I desire to minister. It's all about Him.
I just love dropping by your blog. You make my day.
That song will be great with your speech. It "suits it to a T!"
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It neat how He as laid everything out before you even had time to think. :)
I will be praying for you.
oops,I was the one that deleted
This is a great testimony!! I can only imagine how many hearts you will touch! praise God
Loved your site looking forward to coming back again soon.
Good Morning Kelly,
Waiting is sometimes difficult. I think everyone has a season or two or three of that! You will only have the annointing where He opens the door anyway. Is this your first speaking engagement away from your church? I will pray for you.
That is so cool! I love when God so blatantly shows up.
I read your published article and I'm so proud of you. I cheered as I read. This is only the beginning.
I hope your talk goes well and that people are set free to be captivated by God's love.
That is awesome! I know you will be a blessing!
This is amazing! I love hearing of God answering prayers like this. It is all God! Amen to that!
I'm sure the talk will be captivating! LOL! God will bless, He already has.
God is so good! He is amazing as He goes before and prepares! Will be covering your time in prayer...we can't wait to hear how it goes! :)
And to God's glory...recently I was asked "out of the blue" to go speak at church in a nearby town. It is God! Amazing. I'll let you know when the date is confirmed.
Meanwhile, praying for you!
PS -- still looking in my mail box daily for the Nov P31 mag!
Oh my, I have been known to not only run ahead of God - I created the gallop. I think I'm doing better at this stage of my life. That is such exciting news!!! Woo Hoo!
How can I get the Prov. 31 magazine with your article in it?
More exciting God news. This is so God and so amazing. In the first comment, Dorothy asked me if I had picked up a verse at She Speaks and did I feel that it applied to my life. I did get one, but hadn't looked at the card probably in 3 months and couldn't remember any idea what it said. It hadn't struck me as amazing at the time I read it in June. I just dug it out. It says:
" 'You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,' declares the LORD, 'and Will bring you back from CAPTIVITY." (Jeremiah 29:13-14A)
CAPTIVITY - captive - CAPTIVATED! God's hand is certainly at work here. And I just got another bible verse to add to my talk!
Oh my!
God is so good!
You don't say when the lunch will be. I'd like to pray for you that day. If you don't want it over the net then send it via my e-mail.
I really will keep my said and pray!
Wow! I love your attitude of obedience, Kelly! That is so difficult, but so important as we grow our faith. I wish I lived closer so I could go to the Women's Lunch!! You will do an awesome job!
Love ya,
Oh sure, make me all teary-eyed! :)
I love, love, love the title of your post and the last lines, "I am captivated. And if this is what it is like to be captive to Christ, I never want to be set free."
Ok, I love the middle part too but the beginning and ending captivated me! God is SO Awesome.
Congratulations on your speaking engagement. *wink*
Can't wait to hear how your speaking engagement goes. I'm amazed at anyone who has the ability (and desire) to speak in front of a crowd! I'll take the written word any day.
Isn't it amazing how God answers prayer?!
I am still trying to figure out what I am supposed to do with what I took away from She Speaks. It was an amazing conference and I am certain there is a reason God wanted me there but why....???? Patience has never been my strong suit, can you tell?
I can't wait to hear how your speaking goes, I just know you will bless those ladies!
Amazing!! I can't wait to hear how you speaking engagement goes... Good luck!!
Awesome Kelly.
I know it will go perfectly, because whatever happens will be God's doing.
Kelly-I am celebrating with you today. I am so excited to see what God does through you! I am praying and knowing God will use you to talk to these women's hearts.
It is always so exciting to see how God works. It's so much better than when we run ahead and mess it up. To misquote the A-Team, "I love it when His plan comes together!"
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