The back cover of the book seems to lead the reader to believe it's about Lynne's daughter, Britney Spears. It says "We all want our children to succeed. What happens when they do? Britney wanted to sing every since she was a little girl." The subtitle even says "A Real Story of Fame and Family in a Tabloid World." If you're looking for a book about Britney this isn't it.
It is truly a book about Lynne Spears and her walk through life. Unfortunately it tries to take on too much of her life, jumping here and there in a haphazard fashion which I found to be somewhat confusing.
The sad thing is, this could have been two good books. One book could have been about her meeting & marrying Jamie Spears, raising their children and all the ins and outs of their life. That would have been an interesting book. The other book could have been about her love for his sister, Sandra, and Sandra's death at the age of 59.
By combining both topics into one book it seemed to try and squeeze to much in there. And the chapter called "Friendships," while a nice tribute to her friends would have been better served in the acknowledgements section than in the actual book.
Lynne does sum up her faith in the chapter "A Mother's Heart." The best part of the book says "I wish I would have gone deeper with my children in terms of building up their faith We always went to church and vacation bible school...but I see now that they could have benefited greatly by drawing closer to God through daily Bible reading and devotional reading. They said their prayers every night, but in retrospect, I should have helped them understand the power of prayer for every situation life throws at us."
Those sentences are something every Christian should read and learn from. We don't want to make those same mistakes in raising our own children, but want them to have a living vibrant faith, not just a tradition with no depth. If even one person reads those words, and changes their direction with their kids, than I say the book was worth being written.
Overall, I'd give the book 5 out of 10 stars. It wasn't horrible, but it was simply average.
***Because I received this book for free for the purposes of reviewing it, I'd love to give it away. If you'd like to win the book, leave me a comment saying so, and I'll randomly draw a winner and mail you the book free of cost. (Winner must provide their mailing address). Comments received through noon Saturday will be eligible. I'll draw and announce Sunday).
If you don't want to win the book, you can still leave me a comment, just say "but I don't want to win the book."
That is so nice of you to want to give it away, to someone that may need some help with there children or know someone that is. Amen!!
You are being a blessing to bless someone else.
Have a wonderful weekend
You speak like an editor! It's very interesting that an editor chose to go this route with this book, given what you have shared (not to mention marketing trends--why not a 2nd book?). But, I'm not an editor at Thomas Nelson, so.....
I'm not interested in the book (as I have way too many in my pile at the moment), but was so glad to see what you plucked out. They should put those words in bold!
Interesting and a good lesson for mothers and fathers everywhere. I agree with Sue J those words should be in bold!
I too will pass on the book.
Hey Kelly. I just found your blog through one of your followers. Interesting post.
I'd heard that Lynn Spears had written a book and wondered what it could be about considering at the time of it's release- her children didn't seem to be living model lives... (not that we are to be perfect but I thought it necessary to have a foundation for such a topic.)
Anyway, great post. Great review.
I would love to read that book!!
When you told me you were reading this book, my original thought was that it wasn't the kind of book that I thought you would ever read. Just because of who the author was and because of her 2 daughters, I assumed it was a book about Britney's rise and fall or Jamie Lynne's pregnancy etc.
Sometimes when we hear about these children that turn into overnight sensations and then mess up so terribly, we (at least I) think that the parents must have been really crummy people. Just reading your review reminds me that a parent can only do so much. All of our children make mistakes (just like we all did). Some mistakes are huge while others aren't too bad. The difference is that (thankfully) our children's mistakes aren't flashed on CNN, MTV and on the front of every tabloid at the supermarket.
Just think, if I win the book, you'll save on shipping. On the other hand, I could just scan through it before you ship it.
Put me in the drawing but draw twice if I win (don't worry, I never win).
I agree it sounds like a good book but not a great one. I have started on my book a dozen times but I think I have the same problem. Too much information for one book. That is nice of you to give it away but I am not a big reader so it would be better for someone else to get it. Thanks for the offer though. I agree with your sister. When you said who the author was, I thought, now why is Kelly reading this book? See what I know.
Hey CK - Love the review you gave. You have a talent there girl. Don't add me to the drawing, but thanks for offering.
Love ya!
Oh - I do love what Lynne finally realized about raising her kids with more of God. It's never too late.
Have you heard that new song called "Britney"? It is very good -I heard it at performed live a couple of weeks ago. I dont' remember who sang it but it was touching & true.
You are a GREAT book reviewer.
I'll pass on the book offer, but thanks!!
Hi, Kelly! So praying for you as you share this weekend at a local church! You've been on my heart and in my prayers all day today! :)
Please pray for our monthly P31 Gather & Grow group, which meets there this evening. :) Thanks!
And yes, you go be that Jonathan kind of friend! I am sure you already are! :)
Hugs and prayers,
Hi Kelly,
You are a good book reveiwer! If I ever decide to write I'll let you see it first! I'm serious!
I do want the book. Isn't that odd? It is almost like taking a bite of someone's dessert after they said it was just OK.
But I do. I am so not a Britney fan! As far from it as they come. But With Zoie hard set on wanting to be in music...The quote you gave about her wishing she had grounded her children more struck a nerve with me.
Sooo maybe there is some pearly type toothpicks in this dismal haystack.
If I don't win it I sure will check it out!
Chatty Kelly,
I noticed that you are speaking on the subject CAPTIVATED.
As a fellow or "sister" speaker, I'll pray that all goes smoothly for you and that you are just as blessed as those who hear you speak will be.
*Have you read the book CAPTIVATING by Stasi & John Eldredge? Here is a quote: "You are a woman. An image bearer of God. The Crown of Creation. You were chosen before time and space, and you are wholly and dearly loved. You are sought after, pursued, romanced, the passionate desire of your Fiance, Jesus. You are dangerous in your beauty and your life-giving power. And you are needed."
I'd love to hear how it goes!
(okay this is my second attempt to post this comment - if it shows up twice, i am sorry..)
The biggest bummer of my November is that I still don't have my P31 issue (what is up?)...I can't wait to hold your article in my hands!
I KNOW everything will go well with your speaking...LOVELY! WONDERFUL!
Love, love, love
p.s. My first comment was funnier.
Oh, how I want to teach my children to love Jesus with all their hearts! I want to model a life of prayer, and dependence on the Lord at all times.
And I am so thankful for the grace and power of God - because if raising these kids was my responsibility alone, it would not be good.
I'll pass on the book, but I am thankful for the reminder of what's important.
I believe God planted into Britney and Jamie Lynn's life whether Lynn sees it or not. That is what I would tell Lynn if I met her. He has their number just like He had mine. I don't read these kind of books...if she had blogged it, I might have visited :) Thanks for the review. I think it is a reminder to pray for Britney, Jamie Lynn and their family. I pray your speaking engagement will be POWERFUL!
It would give me another book to read since I am home a lot due to my treatments. Hope all is well.
Passing it on is a great
As a mum of two teens one of my biggest fears is that I haven't done enough. I wasn't a Christian myself when they were younger so they haven't really been brought up in a Christian home.
They attend church with me occasionally, they see the change loving the Lord has brought in me and I hope and pray that it's enough.
love to win it!!!!!
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