Our Christian "walk" should mirror my fitness walk. We need walking partners in Christ too! We should come along side some people who aren't as far in their faith as we are. We should encourage them in their walk with Christ and help them become more spiritually fit. It's not just a suggestion, but a mandate, "Go, and make disciples," Jesus said. (Matt 28:19,20)
At the same time, we should have Christian mentors who are equally or more spiritually fit than we are, to encourage us and help us deepen our relationship with Christ. Whether it's in our marriages, parenting or daily life, having someone to push us to do what is right is a blessing!
Having someone to walk with makes me more accountable to my exercise plan, no matter what their fitness level. The same is true spiritually. When I'm mentoring someone else, I am careful that I don't have the appearance of sin in my life to lead them the wrong direction. And likewise, when I'm with a mentor, I strive to live the life that they are, doing the right thing.
Who are you walking with in your Christian walk? Don't walk alone.
Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.
Proverbs 13:20