Friday, January 29, 2010

I'll Start My Diet on Monday!

So how are your goals going? You know the ones. Maybe you are trying to lose weight, or read the Bible in a year. Maybe this is going to be the year where going to spend less time on the computer, or keep the house straight ALL the time. And if the goals are not going well, you feel like a failure. And maybe you give up.

Being a Type A perfectionist myself, I set lofty goals. And these goals always start with a new year, or a new month, or a Monday. I'd never consider starting a diet on a Tuesday! That just doesn't make sense! You need to start at the beginning. But when you fail on a Monday, and you have to weight wait until the next Monday to begin anew, that is a whole lot of time to wallow in failure, (and chocolate.)

But God doesn't want you to wait until Monday, or next month, or Jan 1, 2011. The Bible tells us God's mercy is new EVERY day! He loves you, and wants you to dedicate your goals to him. Through His strength we can achieve. And when we do fail, because our flesh is weak, we need not beat ourselves up for days. Because His mercy is new every day.

Lamentations 3:22,23 -- It is through the LORD'S mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Thy faithfulness. (21st Century King James Version)

Proverbs 16:3 -- Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.

Chatty Kelly


Sharon Sloan said...

Oh I love that every day is a fresh, new beginning!!!! Great reminder!

Are you doing the One-Year Chrono Bible this year?

We are doing the children's one-year Bible (7 minutes a day) with our cherubs. They love it and we are excited. Just praying their hearts are rich, fertile soil for His Word.....going deep deep down. Praying they love and keep His Word.

Love you friend!

Mocha with Linda said...

Amen. Love those Lamentations verses!

Sue J. said...

I usually end up having some kind of meltdown over something and praying. In that time, God can sort through a lot of thoughts in my head and provides me with some clarity. It is usually best if I act IMMEDIATELY, if possible, to go in the direction He is leading, and start that new path right away. Telling God "I'll start that....later" is not helpful.

Doesn't mean I won't fail, yet, you're right! But, at least I'm going in the right direction and trying to be obedient.

Patrice said...

I am starting my diet Monday too, and starting the journey of reading the Bible in 90 days. I figured good things in from mind to stomach!!

KelliGirl said...

I thank God his mercies are new every morning because I sure need it.

As for my flailing resolution to lose weight...well, that could use a little grace as well.

Every day is a good day to stand with our Lord.

Jenny said...

awesome message.

Ronel Sidney said...

I so love how God looks at each and everyday as a new start... I use to wait for Monday to start anything but now I DO NOT.... I weigh in for WW on Saturday and my workout day starts on Tuesday.... I do it to remind myself that Monday is the the begining, each and everyday is a new begining!! Thank you for the reminder!!

Edie said...

I understand about starting at the beginning. When God told me to quit smoking I had an open pack of cigarettes and had already smoked that day. God arranged it so that the last cigarette of the day was also the last cigarette of the night. He knows us inside and out and His mercies ARE new each morning.

Just a note, slipping and failing are NOT the same thing. :)

My ADHD Me said...

What a great reminder for those of us that just might use any excuse to procrastinate.

My ADHD Me said...

Glad to see you back on The Examiner!