1. I am a sinner saved by grace. But unfortunately I'm not too keen on admitting what my sins are. That is between me & God.
2. If your blog post is one long post with no paragraphs - I'm not reading it! It looks too long, so I hit the next blog.
3. I can't stand music on 95% of blogs. I do love Sharon's because the song always compliments her post and I think that is so cool! And if the song is quiet and slow I like it, but I don't want to get blasted out of my chair by contemporary music while blogging. And it's hard to read with music jangling in my head.
4. I am cynical and don't believe most things I read. ("Send this email to everyone you know.") That is why it is so amazing to me that I am a Christian, because I am a cynic! I check everything on http://www.snopes.com/ and most of it is false. But I do believe the bible 110%.
5. Only up to #5?!?!?! Hmmmm. Sometimes I don't like getting tagged, because it breaks the flow of my blog, but if I don't get tagged I feel rejected like "why didn't they tag me?" Goofy I know, but it's me.
6. I can be impatient. I have love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and sometimes even gentleness and self-control. But not much patience. I am working on it - and am much better than I used to be!
7. My mom is an alcoholic! I used to be ashamed to admit this, but I'm not anymore, because IT IS NOT ABOUT ME! I didn't cause it, I can't fix it. Amen!
8. I hate entertaining. I get all worked up, nervous, type A, crazy. I'd much rather come to YOUR house.
9. Gracious, this is boring to even me? Do you really want to hear 6 more things? Umm, I am addicted to coffee - ALL coffee.
10. Okay, I watch American Idol. I pretend I don't and feel very superior to those who do and admit it, but I am a closet watcher. Okay! Deal with it. I even voted. (Oh, the humiliation).
11. I am obsessive with tooth hygiene. I floss twice a day or more. One of my Top 10 fears in having food stuck in my teeth in public.
12. I was an extra in a movie with Charlie Sheen and Linda Hamilton...but they re-shot the scene I was in, so I wasn't in the movie...and it went straight to DVD anyway.
13. I am not superstitious AT ALL. (Notice this is number 13!)
14. I have no desire to home school. I'm glad my kids go to school, because frankly I need the break. I'm a better mom because they go to school. (See #6 above).
15. I hope to write a devotional book that will be published one day. I don't want to admit it because if I fail... Well, there it is - I admitted it.
So 15 things about me. BORING!
Hi, Kelly!
Enjoyed reading the 15 things about you! :) Really.
We are alike in many ways...dare I admit which numbers!?!?
3-glad you like it! :)
5 (I don't play tag at all, or participate in blog awards...but otherwise I am generally a fun blogger!)
7-my dad was, too. He passed away 10 years ago. But, in His grace, gave me understanding in my young teens that my Dad was a sinner swallowed up by the sin of alchoholism. I loved my dad and had compassion for him. When I received Christ in my teens, God told me to take those shackles off my feet, walk forward with Him and live my life for Him. He saved me, loves me perfectly and made me righteous. My dad loved me as best as he could. I was not to and did not define myself by my dad's shortcomings and sins. I am so thankful for His freedom! He sets captives free as we yield our hearts to Him! Glad you are free, too! I still pray that my dad turned his heart toward Jesus during his last moments of life (he was alone when he died suddenly). My dad did know the Word when he was a young boy. I hope to see him in heaven as a redeemed brother in the Lord!
15-my hubby is encouraging me to do this. As the Lord leads....
Love you, Bloggityville friend. Praying for you! (and for your mom, too, now!)
You are NOT boring sweet girl! No not at all!
My dad's an alcoholic too... Don't think he'd ever admit it yet though.
believe with all my heart you will definitely write your devotional book. I WILL BUY A COPY when it comes out.
How do you like my paragraphs in this comment. ;)
I enjoyed your honesty on this post!! I agree with you on a lot of your list--especially about the music on blogs and those really long, paragraph-less posts!
#15 But you won't fail!
Wow! I'm so impressed with your list. It demonstrates your self-awareness and your ability to rely upon God for the things that REALLY matter on the list:-)
I look forward to buying a copy of your devotional book.
This is an awesome post! Very interesting! I have a teeth thing too!
I thought your list was very interesting. I could say "Yes! Me Too! on:
8 is my huband so we don't entertain oustide of family.
I believe 15 is underway. I'll buy it when it's published too.
I'm definitely a 10, too.....but voting?!
Of course you're NOT boring, silly girl. :) I really did enjoy reading about you.
1) Me too, but learning where it's ok to admit.
2) Me too.
3) Me too - well I have to hit the mute button so that I can concentrate on what I'm reading. Except at this Sharon http://theoldoakswing.blogspot.com/
She has soothing nature sounds in the background and it perfectly matches her blog.
4) ME TOO!
6) HaHa! I think you may have more Fruits than I do, but God's working on me!
7) Great healthy outlook. We are not responsible for the way others behave or choose to respond.
8) Come on over! I always have a post of coffee on.
9) Read my comment for #8.
13) Did you write this while walking under a ladder and a black cat passing in front of you? :P I'm not supersticious either. God is ALWAYS in control.
15) God will open the doors at the right time just like that speaking Engagement. :)
Glad you played. This was fun!
Zzzzzzzzzz are we there yet? Just kidding. I just finished flossing my teeth so don't feel along. When I see one of those tag's I read to the end and then feel let down when they didn't pick me. I live to blog. My dad was an alcoholic too and it isn't my problem. My mother has many problems and they aren't my problem either. I hate the music blogs because they give away the fact that I blog at work. :)
Not boring at all.
Hi Kelly ..
ROFL..You totally make me smile my sistha!! Those sistah's who can crack themselves up, are sistah's I love hanging with lol. I laugh at my own jokes or laugh in the middle of trying to tell them ( sigh) I so enjoyed reading your list, and I hope my music does not blast you out of your chair lol, well I don't think so cuz I normally try to play easily listening. It's always good to see your smiling face.
Hugz Lorie
Well finally I get a chance to sit down at the computer.
This wasn't boring and I've known your forever Well, not forever for me but forever for you.
#7.Hey, so is mine!
#8. YAY! Thanksgiving is at your house. So glad you're excited about it.
(that deserves a WAHAHAHAHA)
#10. That ranks up there with me being a closet Karen Carpenter fan.
#14. ME TOO!!!!!
#15. No doubts about that. Do I get a family discount?
Well, it's nice to 'meet' you. It's always fun to meet someone when you happen to read random things about them. ...not boring at all. : )
Thanks for sharing and your honesty. It blessed me!
I think I may need to change the music on my blog. Come to think of it, I always turn the volumn off when I blog. hmmmmmm
NOT at all boring! And Amen and amen to #14. I just desperately wish that all my friends who ARE led to homeschool would truly give me grace here. They say they support my decision, but I can feel them thinking to themselves that I am selfish and pig-headed for not homeschooling.
I LOVED your 15 things! And you're NOT boring! That's why I keep coming back to your blog. I am blessed to know you through the blogworld! Love, Heather
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