I dropped my daughter off safely in her classroom. As I was leaving I jokingly told the preschool director “I’m off to build an ark!” She replied, “Well you better hurry because it’s already raining.”
That caused me to think. When God told Noah to build an ark, it likely was a beautiful, sunny day. No doubt the people laughed at Noah as he built this ark; 450 feet long, 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Yet Noah had faith. The bible says, “Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” (Genesis 6:22 NIV) He built an ark in the sunshine.
I wish I could be more like Noah. When God calls on me to do something for him, how often do I wait for the rain first? “Send me a sign if that’s really what you want, God.” If Noah had asked God for a sign, surely it would have begun to rain. And Noah would have had to build his ark in the rain. The tools would be slippery in his hands, his clothes uncomfortably sticking to him. His hair, matted to his head. But no, not Noah. He had the warm sunshine to work in…no doubt whistling while he worked.
And here I am…in the rain. How much easier would my life be if I could respond to God’s call immediately? Without a sign. Without the rain. And yet even as I work in the rain, I know God will be sending the rainbow soon enough.
But the next time God asks me to do something, I hope I can have a faith like Noah. A faith to do everything just as God commands, without a sign. That faith will allow me to work in the sunshine. And not end up all wet.
If we don't respond to God's call, we may find ourselves not just in a rain shower or downpour, but trying to swim above an outright flood! We need to embrace Noah's story, realizing that, though God may not take human life again through a flood of that nature, that the "rains" will come. Will we be prepared?
Noah may have had sunny days, but I can't imagine the comments he must have endured over the years it took him to build the ark....kind of like that sticky clothes feeling you were describing. Yucky!
Great message! May we all answer the call on the sunny day, like Noah, so we don't get caught in the shower! I am thankful to God for the example of faith and preparedness shown in Noah's life!
I believe He is training us to hear and obey in the small things in this season. So that when it is indeed critical that we act quickly we will be well trained.
Yes, I ditto that prayer of living life with the same faith as Noah...
Really great post! Seriously! For real! Not just saying it!
Imagine my surprise once I realized I was in there for 45 minutes! Um...yeah...ok...
Hi Kelly,
I couldn't help but think of Evan Almighty while I read your post. Everyone laughed at him, remember?
Loved your visuals here...the wet/slippery tools, clothes sticking to us.
Good food for thought.
Have a blessed week, my friend!
Isn't this the truth. I always wait until I "verify" what God is telling me and like you said, sometimes I end up working in the rain so to speak. Why can't I have a little more faith?
Great post. How true it is that it's easier to have faith after the fact.
What an awesome post! Real faith does not need physical evidence of what they know is going to happen. Faith empowers them forward! Without hesitation! This was great!
Great post, we actaully discussed this same subject in our Life Group class a few weeks ago.
You have an excellent point here CK. I have thought many times about the fact that Noah responded in obedience but have never thought about him asking for a sign.
I hope you're enjoying your vacation!
Terrific post, Kelly!
Amazing faith for sure! It is truly incredible when you think that he hadn't even seen rain yet (a dew came up every day)...talk about blind faith! Here's a man who trusted God in a generation much like our own. Amazing indeed.
I love your comment that he was probably whistling while he worked...kind of reminded me of the seven dwarfs. =D
Amen, sister! Great thoughts. I wish the same thing.
The verse you quoted that really struck me is that he did everything just as God commanded him. I have a feeling if I was in charge of building the ark it would have been half finished when the rains came because I'd have moved on to other projects or I would have argued with God about the placement of the door and window, the dimensions, and where each animal should reside. I might have even argued that I didn't want certain animals on board with me (snakes). I would definitely have argued that I had better things to do on a bright sunshiny day than swing a hammer or get splinters from wood.
Great analogy as always, Kelly. I see something taking shape here and it looks like this: Lots of analogy posts on blog = book pf analogies.
Yes, move immediately when God calls...that is the best life. I got in a soaking rain also...but you got the connection with you and Noah; I just got wet and a bad hair day. Way to go.\
That's a great point, Kelly. We're often asked to step out in faith and let Him take care of the rest. That often places us in the path of some people saying some pretty nasty things. But He is always faithful. Always.
Wonderful post.
Great post, Kelly. I hope I can be more ready to respond when God calls! Wonderful analogy.
I'm such a procrastinator. This is a great message for me, thanks Kelly.
Great post. Glad I stopped her today!
I really don't have a comment other than I really liked this post.
(just letting you know I stopped by to say "Hi")
Great thoughts!
Poor Noah. His neighbors must have thought he was off his rocker! Imagine the taunts he received.
But, Noah went boldly forward because God told him to. Not because it made sense or could logically be defended.
You're right. We need to follow Noah's example and prepare for the rain.
At my preschool, we always use the story of Noah as a lesson in obedience. Yes, it took a lot of faith for Noah to do what he did when there wasn't a cloud in sight, but he was also being obedient to God. Both things are such struggles for all of us!
Beautiful analogy!
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