Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I have horrible posture. I tend to stand & sit slouch shouldered. Every one has probably read that by standing up straight, you look taller and thinner. But I have a slight curvature of the spine, plus bad muscle memory. It's hard to remember to stand up straight.

I'm thinking about purchasing a new device I saw advertised. This product is called iposture.* It is a small device that you clip on your apparel near the chest, and whenever you slouch it sends out small vibrations. This alerts you to stand up or sit up straight. I don't know if it works, but wouldn't it be neat if it did??

What about an ichristian device? You'd clip it on, and whenever you got ready to sin, it would send out that small vibration. This would alert you to straighten out your behavior. Wouldn't it be neat if we could be alerted to our sins before we acted on them. Would we stop?

Before Jesus left the disciples, he told them he was going to leave them with a "device." This was called the Holy Spirit. It too was attached near your chest (at the heart or soul) and would give you a subtle signal before you sin. This signal can only be felt if we are alert. We must be reading the Bible to realize what sin is, and we must be in conversation with God (prayer) to build that relationship with the Holy Spirit.

In order for the iposture to work, you must make a conscience effort to use it every day. If I purchased it and just kept it on my dresser or in my jewelry box, it wouldn't, it couldn't work. In order for the Holy Spirit to work, we must also apply it in our lives. A Bible on my night stand doesn't do anything. I must read it and apply its principles. I must pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to guard my heart and mind against sin.

The Holy Spirit works. It doesn't even cost $64.95, like the iposture. It's a free gift. Apply it in your life today! It may not straighten your back, but it will straighten your paths.

John 14:26 -- But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

1 Corinthians 6:19 -- Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own.

Proverbs 3:5,6 -- Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Chatty Kelly
* I am in no way affiliated with the makers of iposture, nor can I vouch for the reliability of the product. This is not an endorsement of the product.


Melanie Dorsey said...

Good one!

Sue J. said...

Nice.... I was right with you on that!!

The Holy Spirit is a counselor--someone who is always there to help give you presence of mind. Tuning in to that voice may not be as easy as receiving that tangible vibration to your body (I'm wondering if there's a noise associated with that iposture device; pager vibrate and you know it...hmmmm....).

Anyhow, without making a sound, if we tapped in to the Holy Spirit, it would almost seem as if we were doing the right thing ourselves--NOT! But, you know what I mean....

The Patterson 5 said...

"We must be reading the Bible to realize what sin is, and we must be in conversation with God (prayer) to build that relationship with the Holy Spirit."

Thanks for this reminder keeping ourselves intact with the Holy Spirit to keep us with in the Will of God.

(I love how you put the small print at the bottom about iposture!)

Have yet another great snow day! My house is beginning to show the effects of too many snow days! :)

Dorothy Champagne said...

GREAT Analogy! Maybe if instead of a vibration it was more of an electric shock. Sometimes I feel like that's what I need. :)
Really good today as always - thank you!

B His Girl said...

That's funny. Dorothy wants a shocking device to keep us straight. Hmmm. B

Kay Martin said...

Great post. I love your Bible truth and I'm checking out Iposture. You always keep us real. Love it.

Mary Moss said...

I like this idea! I just sent an article about a "spiritual GPS" to be critiqued by my on-line critique group:-) Brillian minds . . . ha ha

Beverlydru said...

This totally makes me think of my mom. She always tapped me in the center of my back if I slouched and she still does that! And as far as sin... she did more than tap. I was grounded. There's quite an analogy in that too! Good traning for obeying God.

Jenny said...

Good post, love it.

Greg C said...

I like that Kelly. It would be an interesting device but I am afraid that many people would find themselves taking it off from time to time. I have noticed that as I strengthen my faith, those little vibrations are easy to feel.

Mrs.Naz@BecomingMe said...

Another excellent post---oh and as a side posture needs work.

Mrs. Sidney said...

Such a great post!!

Carmen Gamble said...

I really enjoyed this post. I slouch too, in more ways than one. It's a lifelong process, but thank God we have a helper!

Susan said...

Love it!! I have been reading articles lately about people using pilates balls for seats rather than regular chairs. It helps with this problem. I think an iChristian device might be surprising for most of us.



Edie said...

As soon as you said "What about an ichristian device?" I said "That's what the Holy Spirit does." :)

This reminds me of a device I read about in Phillip Yancy's "The Gift of Pain". It was a device for people with leprosy that warned then when they were "hurting" themselves. People with leprosy don't feel pain in some areas. The people would just turn the device off when the task was more important to them than the pain they couldn't feel. It still requires a willingness to obey.

Mocha with Linda said...

You are iClever!

Mel said...

clapping over here!! i need an ichristian!!!

Kit Wilkinson said...

Ha. Right on. If I had one of those the batteries would not last long :-)

Blessings sister,


My ADHD Me said...

The iChristian not only is free but there is no shipping charge either!

I could definitely use one!

God's girl said...

You go girl! You are smokin' with this post! Way to allow yourself to be open to hearing the voice of God. Incredible analogies.
