Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday - 9 yrs old

Nine years ago today, my first born child arrived. I prayed so much for this little girl. I prayed that she would know God and love God. I'd rather know that she was a Christian, than for her to be president or an Olympic athlete.

Friday evening was her birthday party with friends. We had a pool party. (The picture above is at the pool clubhouse). The party was scheduled for 4:30. At 2:30, the lightening and thunder began, and the rain fell. Tears also began to fall from my precious daughter's eyes.

I suggested lots of alternative ideas for party fun at the pool clubhouse. I suggested she go upstairs and get her CD player and CDs, so we could limbo or dance. She ran upstairs. A while later she comes back downstairs, without the player. Of course I fussed. (It's typical I send her to do something and she "forgets.")

She said "I was praying, and I forgot about the CD player." What a joyful noise to my ears. On her own accord she went upstairs to pray about her party. And soon, the clouds disappeared, the sun came out, and we had a beautiful pool party.

I am so proud that my daughter knows and loves God. She trusts him to answer her prayers. (She does understand that sometimes he says no.) She loves God, prays often, and has a beautiful spirit. I couldn't be prouder.

Happy Birthday, precious Daughter.

Proverbs 10:1a -- A wise son brings joy to his father. (Chatty Kelly paraphrase version, "A wise daughter brings joy to her mother.")

Proverbs 22:6 -- Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it.

Luke 11:11-13 -- "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

Share about a special childhood birthday you or your child celebrated. Click "Chatty Comments" below.

Don't forget - tomorrow begins "Tuesday Tips." Be thinking of your tip to share!


Truth4thejourney said...

You are a blessed Mom! I am so delighted that your 9yo has turned into such a lovely child of God. She does have a sweet spirit and a good heart.

Happy Birthday!

The Patterson 5 said...

Happy, happy birthday to daughter #1! What a blessing she is to all who know her!

I love my children's birthdays- they are one of my favorite days of the year! I try to get up before they do (this is a feat especilly for my middle child who bounces awake early) and greet them with a song and a hug!

I love the pictures of you and your daughter nine years ago and today!

HisPrincess said...

Look at you! Nine years later and not looking a day older!

You are truly blessed to have such a lovely daughter who knows and trusts her Lord...I'd be lying if I didn't say I was a wee bit jealous! But so happy for you. Glad you had a great day.

Julie Gillies said...

Awww - Happy Birthday, sweetie!

How is it that your pretty daughter has grown up yet you have not aged a single day?!?

My ADHD Me said...

Happy B-Day Daughter #1!!!!

I am SO glad that God answered her prayer in the way that she wanted. She is SO sweet. I can only imagine the stress that was going on that afternoon.

P.S. I was going to comment that it is almost annoying that you look almost the same age in each photo, but since others have already referred to it I'm not going to give you a swollen head....(why didn't YOU age!!!!)

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Hi CK,

Adorable! Both of you!

I love birthdays! I'm so glad that God made the sun shine on your daughter's special day! And I'm especially glad that she knew who to turn to (boldly, I daresay)when the skies were gray...

Mrs. Sidney said...

That is awesome!!

Sounds like she is an amazing little girl just like her mom.

On Purpose said...

Kelly being a woman of God for your daughter experience and live with is such a gift to her!

Happy up your 9th year sweet girl!

Alyce said...

That is a great story! We got those storms too on Friday night. We were home getting ready for a wedding. I thought..oh no..that family is freaking out! didn't last long and everyone was calm as can be.
That is so sweet that your daughter went up to pray. You have taught her to fully rely on God. I might need tips from you. My daughter is a christian, but I don't think she fully relies on Him yet...and I can't expect her to either. And boy do we have that "forgetting" problem too. Its awful!
I might need to "vent" w/ you from time to time..haha
Oh..and you haven't changed at all in 9 years..don't even look like you've aged!

kara said...

Wow, I am so impressed that your 9 year old knew exactly where to turn. You should be proud of yourself as an influential parent partnering with God to teach her the way! Happy Birthday, hope you guys had a great day! (And I LOVE the pictures!)

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh, bless her little heart for praying. That just made me so happy.