Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Candy Man

My dear friend over at the Patterson 5 blogged today about her "sweet" son's kindergarten teacher, and how she gave each child a candy descriptive for their K graduation. Sweet Patterson was "Jolly Rancher" for his always jolly and happy attitude. That got me thinking. What candy would describe my family?

My oldest daughter would be Good-N-Plenty. She is plenty good, that is for sure. I can count on her to do the right thing, and to be loving and compassionate. No, she's not perfect, but she's plenty good. So she's Good-N-Plenty.

My younger daughter would be Starburst. She never just enters a room. She always BURST onto the scene. She is truly a star, ready to sing and dance and be the center of attention. Yes ma'am, she's a Starburst.

My husband? How about Pop Rocks! My kids might say "Dad Rules!" but I say Pop Rocks! He's a good daddy and loves the kids, and a mighty find husband too.

So that leaves me...hmmm. What kind of candy would I be? Almond Joy! Yes, sometimes I do feel like a nut, but actually it's the Joy I was thinking of. I can honestly say that most days I feel the joy of the Lord.

What kind of candy would you be?

Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

Psalm 19:10 They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb.


Sonya said...

That's a tough one! How about laffy taffy, because I love to laugh! Cute blog.

Joyful said...

As I was reading along I was already thinking, "I'd be Almond Joy" - when suddenly I read your choice of candy! I was singing the Almond Joy jingle in my head - knowing sometimes I am a little nutty, but the Joy of the Lord is my strength.

Psalm 16:11 says, "In Your presence is fullness of joy". I am complete in Him.

Fun post!

The Patterson 5 said...

I think Mr P would be a Mr Good bar-he's so good all around. My oldest would be a Smartie as he is so brainy! Little Princess would be, maybe a Sweet Tart as she is sweet most of the time but can be a bit Tart when faced with new situations or new people. Maybe all together we could be Lifesavers as we love to pitch in and help out! How fun! Little Princess just said, "I love candy!"

HisPrincess said...

My family would be a snickers bar. I'm the chocolate holding together a bunch of nuts!

My ADHD Me said...

I don't know if they still make these but I think I would be a Charms Sweet and Sour Lollipop---better than being a pack of Nerds.

Mommy Dot Com said...

I think I would be a Butterfinger b/c God always got His finger pointed my way saying, "You better..." Gee, He's strict with me. Doesn't let me get by with nothin'!

Alyce said...

I liked your post Kelly. I only wish I were that creative...I'd need a list of candy names to choose from..I never remember anything when I need to!
I think I'll pose this to my family when we are all together and see what we can come up with as a group!

Angela @ Refresh My Soul Blog said...

ha ha! That is a funny post. I do believe that my family matches yours. That is pretty funny. I have a good and plenty and a Starburst. I often feel like an almond joy too. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I do look forward to meeting you at She Speaks!

Linda said...

This is a really clever post! I don't know about my kids, but I would be a Reese Cup. Don't know why, but I just would.