Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Some Day My Prince Will Come

Several readers have asked for pictures from the gala, so here you are.

This is my prince and me at home before our big evening out...

This is our "Castle" - okay really it was the New Kent Winery Grand Opening. It is located at the New Kent Vineyards, and it was a lovely setting.

This is our horse drawn carriage...(This was really at the gala! Folks were taking carriage rides.) In the back ground are the actual vineyards where they grow the grapes for the wine.

If you'd like to see more pictures of the winery, you can visit the slide show of Saturday's opening with photos by the Richmond Times Dispatch here.

Psalm 107:37 - "They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest."


Sonya said...

These are beautiful pictures! I am so glad you got to get all dressed up and attend this event. We homemakers need a little fairy tale time in our lives once in a while. :)

My ADHD Me said...

You and your prince look wonderful.
I don't know why your post reminded me of this but it made me think of when we were supposed to be in the downtown parade (it was cancelled because of the DC Sniper). You as the Easter Seals Ambassador, were going to be sitting in a convertible in an evening gown, waving sweetly at the crowd. I was going to be in full gear on the Fire Truck. Both of us in our element. So Alike, yet so different. Don't know why your post reminded me of that....but it did.
Your pic really is beautiful!
Happy Day!

Cyndie said...


Wow!! What a great weekend it looks like you had!:) Thanks so much for your comment on my blog! I hope I get to meet you in a few weeks!:) Great blog!:) Thanks for letting me visit!


Bonita said...

Fancy, fancy! The two of you make a lovely couple and it looks like you have a fun night.

The Patterson 5 said...

What fun! It's so great to get all dressed up for a romantic evening with your hubbie!