Monday, June 2, 2008

Part of That World

I hadn't realized that I had a princess theme going on until my good friend, Sue J, commented that I had mentioned Cinderella in Friday's blog, and Sleeping Beauty in Saturday's blog, and asked if Ariel was next. Hmmm. Ariel works with my topic for today, so "Thanks Sue J!"

Ariel is the mermaid princess in "The Little Mermaid." She is unhappy in her own world, wanting to be a human. She sings "Wouldn't I love, love to explore that world up above? Out of the sea, Wish I could be, Part of that world." But as Christians, we are called to do something different. Be IN the world, but not OF the world.

My world tends to be pretty small. My typical week consists of Wednesday night dinner and programming at church, Thursday is Mothers of Preschoolers at church, Friday is bible study at church, and Sunday is church!! You get the general idea. My life is surrounded by friends who are like minded. Even my blogging buddies are Christians and we share biblical blogs (or at least G-rated).

But then sometimes I head out into the world, and I never fail to get a reality check. Girls, the world is not like our world! (If you work outside of the home, then you may already know this.) Friday night I attended a black tie gala. (Pictures from the gala will be posted tomorrow in a bonus blog). I was chatting with an acquaintance who I often see at these events. I mentioned to her about my article being published in November. She asked where and when I told her it was in the Proverbs 31 Magazine, she responded rather distainly, "Oh, religious stuff." She was clearly uninterested in that "religious stuff."

This is good for me to see. Now when my husband occasionally comes home grumpy at night, I can again remember that it is a "dog eat dog" world out there - and perhaps it's his turn to be wearing the milkbone underwear! The world really is a tough place out there - and they frown on that "religious stuff" we partake in.

I pray that I can have an opportunity to be a light to others who don't see the light, that I don't hide my light, and that I don't let Satan blow it out. And I pray that I keep my focus on Jesus, the Light of the World.

John 14:17 - "The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you."
Romans 12:2 – “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
James 4:4 - "You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. "
1 Peter 2:11 - "Dear friends, I urge you, as aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war against your soul. "

1 John 2:15 - "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. "


Sonya said...

Thanks for this post today, Kelly. I was feeling a little down and needed to be reminded that we aren't supposed to be of the world just in it. The outside influences can be difficutl to deal with at times but you are right about not letting satan blow out our lights!

The Patterson 5 said...

I am glad to be part of your smaller world where we look to Christ and yearn for our true home. Christ is the light that shines through us so others can see, and even if immediately they do not perhaps out of curiosity they will begin the search they were created for. (Your gala friend may even search for Prov 31 magazine this fall, out of curiosity, and realize the life she's been missing). The seed has been planted-let's pray it takes root. Stay brightly shining for your Lord!

Alyce said...

Hi Kelly,
It is such a harsh world out there! I feel badly for my husband a lot of times, because of his job and his environment there. We were talking about rated R movies the other night and he quickly commented that he works in an X rated environment. We know that God blessed us with him having this job, but I remind him that he has to be salt and light and try to witness to those "rough" men the best he can.
Glad to know you in bloggyland!

Susan said...

You have heard me mention in class that I struggle daily with my work environment. Your blog has really helped me be more positive by giving me regular encouragement and scripture I can read and claim during the work day. It really is a blessing to me so never stop writing!
AND...those nap pics are too precious!!!

Joanie said...

I appreciate your insight today about how the world views our "religious stuff." One of the sections of the book I am working on deals with just this topic. I want to make sure that I get across the message that "doing religion" (as I call it) is not at all what God requires or wants of us. Remember what happened to the Jews when they went down that path? But, as Christians we, as you stated must live in the world and not be of the world. The only way we can accomplish this is to have Christ front and center in our lives and to, as Lysa says, Live out the reality of Jesus in our lives, so that others can see him in our actions. So easy to say, so hard to live.

Be blessed today. I hope that I will catch up with you in the crowd at "She Speaks."

BTW - congrats on being published in the P31 magazine; quite the honor!

My ADHD Me said...

I told you there were too many "Rabbits" out there!

Linda said...

Kelly, I even work at a church! You are right; we get insulated so often in Christian circles. It's definitely comfortable, but it doesn't jibe with the big plan so well! I am totally guilty of this.I'm so glad you stopped by 2nd cup and left a comment. I'm enjoying your blo!

Sue J said...

OK, I'm blushing now! Great tie-in to Ariel, though....

It's a real quandary. It's hard to find a balance to live in the world, as it is, yet to maintain what we know as the life we should lead. How much can I say? What should I do here? What is my role with the folks I come in contact??

The important thing is not to run away from the world, evil though it is. We're not giving "a spirit of timidity," and God wants us out there. Jesus laid it out for us and for the disciples in John 17--it's going to be rough going. But, Father, go with them because I am in You and we are one, etc., etc.

Ariel sacrifices something pretty important when she becomes part of that world, and she has 2nd thoughts. Jesus sacrificed it all for the world, because He loves us--He never had a 2nd thought about it. We need to turn to Him.

Looking forward to the photos tomorrow!

Missy @ It's Almost Naptime said...

I so often get reminded of how I live in such a bible bubble too.

I have to share a funny story...a friend of our's was a guest at a wedding and when it was time for the bride to come down the aisle, she appeared, with a headset microphone, and sang that Mermaid song all down the aisle as she went to meet her beloved. Oh yes she did. "What do they call them - feet?"

Out of this world...

I am popping over to meet fellow she-speakers - howdy!!

:) Missy

Bonita said...

I went back to work briefly in 2005-2006 after 8 years as a stay-at-home mom. I couldn't believe how the world had changed and it really helped me to see and understand how hard it is for my husband to go out into that mess day after day. It also helped me to understand how I needed to prepare my children for what they will face one day.