Monday, May 10, 2010

Love Hurts

Love Hurts. Love scars, Love wounds Love mars.
Love Hurts, Nazareth, 1975.

Everyone has experienced a wound in love. It doesn't have to be romantic love either. There can be great pain in the relationship with parents, children,in-laws or friends. We have the expectation of what love means, and when our expectations are not met...Love hurts!

God is love. His love is perfect and never fails. How does this translate in this world we live in, where love hurts? It is incomprehensible that we can realize what this means...God is love. Jesus, however, realizes exactly what love hurts means.

The muscial group Nazareth sang "Love hurts, love scars, love wounds and mars." In Jesus case this is true. He loved us so much, he died on the cross, wounded and marred. After his resurrection, he showed his nail-scarred hands to his disciple, Thomas.

The Bible tells us the true definition of love. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." (1 John 4:10)

Love doesn’t need to hurt. You only need to look to God to find true love.

Musical Musings:
1. What emotional wounds have you experienced in love?
2. What does it mean to you to know that Jesus experienced physical wounds because of his love for you?
3. Thank God for loving you so much that he sent his son to die for your sins.

Karaoke: Dear God, thank you for sending your son to die for me! You loved me with a perfect love that never hurts. Help me to be loving in my relationship with others, so I don’t hurt them. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Rock On: Read about true love in 1 John 3.

Love Hurts Video:

Chatty Kelly


Andrea said...

AMEN...I am clinging to HIS love, today. It was less than 10 years ago, when I realized GOD was the only one who could meet all my emotional and spiritual needs. I am thankful HE finally got that through my thick skull.

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

It is comforting to know that Jesus also experienced pain in love. He really can understand our wounded hearts and if we give it to Him, heal us.

Patrice said...

Great post, I have hurt with love, and going on for alomst two years of not speaking to my family, it's tough. Thanks for sharing this!

KelliGirl said...

Very clever. Love does hurt sometimes. Thankfully we have a model of perfect love to look to and a Savior who understands.

Edie said...

I'm thankful that the Love God lavishes on us doesn't hurt.

I hope you had a happy mother's day.

My ADHD Me said...

Emotional wounds? Me?? Surely you jest!! (and don't call me Shirley).

This was awesome!

Beth in NC said...

Human love hurts sometimes doesn't it? People hurt people. I am thankful God's love is pure.

sanjeet said...

Very clever. Love does hurt sometimes.
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