Friday, May 14, 2010

Are You A Drip?

Do you ever feel like sharing God and his Word with someone, but chicken out? You want to share His joy, but Heaven knows (pun intended), you don’t want to be branded a “religious fanatic.” However Matthew 5:11-12 says “Blessed are you when people insult you...because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.” So when someone calls you a “Jesus Freak” they are richly blessing you. Still most people are turned off by outspoken expressions of faith, so what can you do?

Don’t pour it heavy, just “Drip!” Drip is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as “a gradual, but constant flow.” So start Monday when someone asks about your weekend. After filling them in on your fun filled Saturday night, throw in “and Sunday I went to church, and we had a terrific sermon.” Drip!

I purchased a “fish” pin (the symbol of Christianity) and wore it to work. When I greeted a visitor in the lobby, he asked me where I went to church. He said he noticed my pin, and that opened up a conversation where I could openly express my faith at work. The pin was a Drip!

When I overheard an acquaintance complain about her months of infertility and explain she was angry that God hadn’t answered her prayers, I told her I didn’t think she was giving God a fair chance. I followed up with a card in the mail with a devotion on patience. Several months later I learned she was pregnant and she confided that she conceived the same month she received my card. Drip.

While listening to a Christian radio station, I was asked “Is that a Christian station you’re listening to?” I had no idea the person was a Christian, but that question opened the door for conversation between us on our churches and beliefs. Drip!

While reading a devotional book during lunch a woman asked “What are you reading that’s so good?” What an opportunity to tell her! Drip.

When God does something wonderful in your life, share it! The reason I became a drip is because I was dripped on. A friend was bold enough to bring God up in conversation and dripped on me until I was so saturated I started dripping on others.

When you drip on others you drip on yourself. When your ears hear your lips talking about God, it reinforces your faith to you. Since I’ve been dripping on others my faith has never been stronger. My life is far from perfect, but I have the faith in God to know whatever happens, He is there to carry me through. And through my Baptism (drip, drip, drip) I am saved, and no longer have to pay the price of my sins.

A simple expression of faith, a quick note in the mail, the ability to mention God’s name in conversation is all it takes. And soon all the little drips will add up to a waterfall of salvation.

Chatty Kelly


AnooCre8ion said...

A very encouraging post. Thank you


Beth.. One Blessed Nana said...

Praying I only drip the lavish Love that He gives.

Donna said...

Thanks for the uplifting words. Most of the time we just need to get out of the way and let God.

KrippledWarrior said...

And you can point at the "Bikers For Christ" patch on that motorhead that just went past you.

Sharon Sloan - Joy In The Truth said...

Oh, I want to be a drip now! Use me to water, Lord. Only You bring the growth and fruit! But please let me be Your vessel of Your Living Water!

Love you Kelly!

HisPrincess said...

Great advice Kelly! I shall keep dripping on my family...thanks for the encouragement!


sanjeet said...

A very encouraging post.
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My ADHD Me said...

This is definitely one of my favorite posts.

Melanie said...

This is great, Kelly! I hope you are developing this further.