Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Miss Fix-It

I am not good with a hammer and nail. I'm not so great with a spatula and pan. I'm terrible with a needle and thread. So what am I good at fixing? People!

Yes, ma'am - if you've got a problem just head my way. I will try and fix it. I will give you scriptures, I will tell you "if you'd just do this" or "if you'd only do that" it would fix it. I am a life long fixer.

I think it started when I was about 8, and I told my dad that I was scared by my mom's drinking. (She is an alcoholic). He said "you should tell her, and then she'll stop." Wow - am I good or what? Just tell her and I can fix her! But I must have done something wrong. Because no matter how many times I told her, she never stopped. And there couldn't be anything wrong with her, cause she was my mom. And my dad, well he couldn't have been wrong, cause he was my dad. That left only one must have been me. I must have been the broken one.

So, you see if I can fix someone else, maybe, just maybe it will fix me. And I won't be broken anymore. Except for one thing. I can't fix you. And I can't fix me. There is only one fixer - Jesus Christ. He is the true Mr. Fix-it.

So if you are feeling broken...don't let me try and fix you. Old habits die hard, and I will. And I'll feel a wee bit better about myself if I can help. But we both know the truth. Jesus "fixed" us with his death on the cross. And on the last day we will all be raised up to perfection, no longer broken, but restored.

Psalm 34:18 "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." (NIV)

Psalm 147:3 "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." (NIV)

Colossians 1:18b "...all the broken and dislocated pieces of the universe—people and things, animals and atoms—get properly fixed and fit together in vibrant harmonies, all because of his death, his blood that poured down from the cross. " (The Message)


The Patterson 5 said...

Glad we've got the true Mr Fix it in our lives! Oh, though how much we try to do it on our own! You are a wonderful tool that Jesus does use to touch the life of so many!

Anonymous said...

A GREAT blog today! And yes, I have come to you many times with issues I don't know how to fix and you are always there with great advice. Perhaps HE is working through you to help us! I thank you for all the times that you have been there for me, especially my latest dilemma with my oldest daughter. It is getting better thanks to some of the advice you sent my way.
Thank you Miss Fix-It.

Sue J said...

I have to admit that I started singing "Handyman" when I saw the tool belt (which is probably better than the theme song from "Home Improvement).

Your points are all well-taken today. But, so you don't hammer yourself too hard, remember that there was something at your core that was driving you.

God gave you a heart that cares for other people. Why would you have shown interest if you didn't see your mom through God's eyes, even at 8. He gave you a heart that says "Someone needs love today," in whatever form that might take.

No, we can't and shouldn't try to fix, but that doesn't mean that we don't see pain and we don't want to love.

Lysa TerKeurst said...

Wonderful post and so timely.

Thank you for your sweet prayer on my blog today.

It just seriously blessed me!

Thank you and I can't wait to meet you...

Sonya said...

This is a great reminder. We can plant the seeds and water them, but it is up to God to bring the increase (growth).

My ADHD Me said...

I read your blog. I read the comments. I'm not sure what to say. Yes, you're right when you say you can't fix people. BUT, with God's help you HAVE mended many. It is NOT your responsibility to fix people and I know you used to think it was. Never-the-less your guidance and "sometimes less than subtle :)" reminders have helped many people.
In other words...don't throw away your entire tool kit.
There are always little projects you can help repair but isn't it great to know that you can always call the professional 24/7!

Chatty Kelly said...

For not knowing what to say, ADHD, that was pretty darn articulate. Thanks!

Robin said...

From one Miss Fix-It to another - I so feel your pain!
Are you just crazy excited about the She Speaks conference next weekend! I can hardly wait - I hope we will get to meet!

HisPrincess said...

Great post Kelly, just for the record, you can come over to my blog and help try to fix me all you like because I know that the Lord is using you to help fix me.