Friday, June 27, 2008

I Might Even Be A Rock Star....

What is your dream? To me, a dream is different than a goal. A goal is an attainable achievement you set. My goal, of course, is to be a published writer. But a dream, that's different. The sky is the limit on dreams.

My daughters' dream of becoming princesses. And let's face it, while they could possibly marry a prince one day, it is highly unlikely. That is what a dream is, to me, something fun to think about but highly unlikely. My be a rock star! And aside from my love of being home with my family, lack of hot rock star wardrobe, and general dislike of the rock music genre; there is only one thing holding me back. I can't sing.

That's why I love vacation bible school (VBS)! This week, I am a rock star! Every morning at opening, and afternoon at closing, I take the stage with a microphone and I rock! The kids don't care about the tune, all they care about is enthusiasm and the ability to do the hand motions. I am the Queen of Hand Motions.

The VBS director told me this week what a great job I was doing and how much the kids liked it. (You should see me do the funky chicken on stage!) I told her "I'm good at making a fool of myself in public, it's a gift really." And she responded, "Yes, I noticed that about you the first time I met you." (!) I'm not sure what she meant by that, but I'm taking it as a compliment.

The highlight of my week came with a young 5 yr old boy came up to me outside of singing time and said "I know you! You sing up on stage." And I said "Aren't you smart, I do sing on stage." And he looked dreamily at me and said "I like your hair." My first groupie!!!

What is your dream? It doesn't have to be possible, just put in the comments section your fun or funny, highly unlikely dream. Maybe like mine, it can even come true.

Psalm 98:4 -- Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth and sing for joy, yes, sing praises!

Psalm 27:6 -- And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies round about me; in His tent I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy; I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to the Lord.

1 Corinthians 10:31b -- Whatever you may do, do all for the honor and glory of God.

Chatty Kelly


Truth4thejourney said...

This was great! I am not much of a dreamer. I think all of you global thinkers are probably the dreamers. I'm usually content being in the here and now.

If I stretched myself I guess I'd like to become a famous writer/speaker, one who was spreading God's message to the lost and hurting. :)

You go girl!

Chatty Kelly said...

Postscript: My youngest daughter (age 4) idolizes my sister and always says "When I grow up, I want to be a firefighter like {my adhd me}."

This morning she said "When I grow up, I want to be a praise leader." Just like mom!!!!!

The Patterson 5 said...

How fun!!!!
I think I would be a rock climber or parachutest. Something oh so exciting and a bit dangerous! Something opposite from my regular play it safe self.

Alyce said...

it would be cool to have a food network show!

My ADHD Me said...

Your daughter #1's VBS teacher told me you were AWESOME when you were up on stage. She said the kids love it! She even tried to convince me to come up to the church and watch but Alberquando was still in bed
Now I've got this silly song again in my head
Gonna tell you a story bout a man named Jed....

opps, sorry. I'm back.

My either be a member of a SWAT team or The Statue of Liberty.

Sue J said...

I dream of having hair like Chatty Kelly's.....

And writing again....

I have canned the idea of going to Hollywood to be on TV, though, Alyce's suggestion of being "The Next Food Network Star" would be something I have thought about. (I'm the leftovers expert!)

Anonymous said...

Chatty Kelly has rocked on stage every morning this week! My dream is to be a ballerina and I would be the Sugar Plum Fairy in the Nutcracker. And most of my friends know that I'm the least graceful person they have ever known. Ha! V.

Starr said...

My dream would be to live like the rich and famous..only without the famous part. I just want to write and be published (even if it is for free), catch a million dollars as it falls out of the sky right onto my lawn by the grace of God, and live large!! Of course I would not stay rich long as I would eagerly share it with all of my friends.

Oh well, never hurts to dream.

PS: I wish I could be a fly on the wall at your BBS and hear you sing.

Rebecca Ingram Powell said...

Hi CK,

We went right from She Speaks into VBS, too! And I am soooo tired!

btw, Thanks for your kind words on my post.

Rock on!

My ADHD Me said...

Obviously,I need to come over and visit more often. I'll wear my firefighter gear and get daughter #2 back on track for her dreams.

Seriously, you must have made a HUGE impact. You beat out Mooney and her "neat" clothes, who isn't "crazy" AND rides on a fire truck. Thanks big stuff.

You're such a good mom!

My ADHD Me said...

P.Sp. Opps, that was supposed to say THAT'S big stuff

HisPrincess said...

I want to eat whatever I like and be thin.

Talk about unrealistic!

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