Friday, April 11, 2008

Swap & Hop

Why the messy space photo? My "friend" (well okay, I don't know her but I read her blog every day) Lysa TerKeurst is hosting a Swap & Hop today. I link to her site ( where she is doing a write up on your "organization challenge" and the biggest challenge may win a book or an organizational make over . So being a WYSIWYG gal, I'm happy to share mine, messy as it may be.
**This is the link to her swap & hop if you are reading this after 4/11/08 --**

This is my kitchen desk area. From the picture you may see that I have my calendar on the wall, as well as each of my kids' school calendar, and my meal planning calendar (that's four calendars!) Various school work and paper work is piled up, as well as a couple of dolls and books from my kids. That (embarrassingly enough) is my sweater tossed up there, and while the chair is empty in the photo, it usually has a school back pack or my purse in it. Truth be known there is usually a pair of shoes kicked off there too. That is our come home & dump it area.

The little file box to the right is the box the last organization lady I hired said to buy to slide all those papers in. But for me out of sight means out of mind. I need to see it, which is why all that stuff is posted on the wall.

So if the Organizational Guru lady (Karen Ehman) wants to help me out - I'm all ears! And if YOU blog readers have any solutions for me, I'd love for you to leave a comment. I need all the help I can get!

Have a great day and a great weekend! Come back Monday to chat about "Wait Training."


Jenny said...

I love it! That is so me! In fact, I think I could sit down right there and feel at home!

I'm enjoying visiting new blogs today and yours made me smile!

Have a great weekend!

siscaboo said...

That is how mine looks. Love the calendars. I tried a binder to put all of mine in and it just didn't work. I have to have them in sight.

While I have no organizational tools I love reading blogs and it is good to know I am not alone on this desk issue.

Tammy said...

I hopped on over from Lysa's site!

I know out of site out of mind, but what about a 3-ring notebook with those clear sleeves that you could slide your calendar pages in each month??

Cheri said...

See - I keep hoping for an area like that right as we come in the door. Now I'm scared - sometimes an area closer to the door just provides a closer opportunity for messes!

And oh, oh. We're actually moving right down the road from you! Can you guess where that is??? Now I typed that, I feel like some kinda internet stalker! But, really, I'm not!

Org Junkie said...

Hi, I've done a couple of posts on organizing a kitchen desk that might help you. Just type kitchen desk into my search button. Let me know what you think. Happy Organizing!!

Laura (I'm an Organizing Junkie)

gibsonfam said...

I'd like to say that I'm just so impressed that you have a meal planning calendar. Whew! That thought has never entered my mind. So I guess in my mind, you're already much more organized than I. Therefore, I have no tips to offer!

Bonita said...

I like seeing all these photos of disorganization because it makes me feel so much better! Misery loves company.

I noticed a couple of impressive things about your space. First, that you have that cool space with the shelf above and it looks sort of like an alcove- all cozy and all. I'm also impressed that you have calendars and meal plans. You sound a lot like me. I say that I'm selectively organized. I may have papers everywhere, but what's written on the papers is very well organized. I'm also an out of sight out of mind girl. Anyway, thanks for sharing your spot.