Monday, February 2, 2009

Living the Limbo Dance

Sometimes I feel like my life is Limbo dance. Limbo is a dance game. The dancer moves to a Caribbean rhythm, then leans backward and dances under a horizontal stick without touching it. Upon touching it or falling backwards, the dancer is "out".

I hear the terrible news in our economy. Lower the stick.

My local news shares that two local top cops have recently been arrested. One for forcible s*d*my with a child under 15, and the other for s*liciting s*x from a 14 year old. These are local policeman! You know the one's you tell your children, "If you ever need help seek out these people." Lower the stick.

My husband comes home after a tough day at work, stressed with the failing economy and yells at me. I yell back. Lower the stick.

I console myself with brownies. Not only do I feel guilty and physically sick after eating them, tomorrow as I step on the scales I'll feel even worse. Lower the stick.

I continue to go lower and feel worse. If I'm not careful I'm going to hit the floor. I even have the devil cheering me on, chanting "How low can you go? How low can you go?" The awful dance music keeps playing and the worse I feel, the lower I go.

I have another voice cheering me on. This voice (The Voice of Truth) says listen to MY words. This voice leads me to Philippians 4: 8, 9 which says "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."

God's peace by focusing on the good stuff, excellent and praiseworthy. I can do that. With God's help, it is time for me to raise the bar.

Psalm 121
I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you—the LORD is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Chatty Kelly


Alyce said...

Oh do you think of these analogies?? Loved it! I think we've gone to the same dance :-)

Kay Martin said...

I can see you move under the stick no matter how low you need to go. May we hear God; and may He grant us flexibility that astounds everyone including us.

It is a time of pruning and change. I feel for the workers in stores closing. They need to job, salary, etc. but it is hard to diligent in a dying place. Our nature is to get on with the next thing, but this business deserves a decent burial.

May none of us waste the sorrow and pain of this time. In God's hands as you so well tell us He can use all of it for good.

I see you...I hear the beat...and you will go as looooooow as you need to.

Sue J. said...

What's really crazy is watching the kids do the limbo on their roller skates at the rink. Zooming underneath like's so true. We've all been going so fast and pushing the limits. At some point, people start stumbling.

Philippians was SO good! Would love to revisit Paul in another letter sometime.....

Melanie said...

This is day 2 for me in raising the bar. I'm glad I stopped by before heading out the door today!

Beverlydru said...

I have to tell you- I was given a lovely devotional book this weekend as an unexpected gift. When I opened it and began to read this morning, my thought, was, "Kelly's devotions are so much better than this fluff." So I came on over here and I was not disappointed. You are hitting the center of our hearts consistently.
Thank you.

Runner Mom said...

Raise that bar!! Love it! Thanks so much, Kelly! I'll be praying for us today!
Love ya,

Greg C said...

Don't lower that stick Kelly. Keep it up nice and hi. And don't forget the final step. When you know you can't make it following the rules so you cheat. The devil loves it when you do that.

Lets all raise the bar.

Dena said...

Wonderful Analogy!! I think many of us have been doing the limbo dance lately and it's time we totally focus on the way to raise that bar.

Julie Gillies said...

Oh, can I relate to this, Kelly. "How low can you go?" seems to be our society's theme song, doesn' it?

Excellent word today, my friend. I appreciate your encouragement.

My ADHD Me said...

You're so good at helping others raise the stick.
I think I'll raise mine up a notch before someone trips on it!

Mocha with Linda said...

Great thoughts!

Joy in The Truth said...

I understand why you didn't put "Limbo" on your L List! :)

Keep that bar raised to His standard! :)


Edie said...

I love this analogy Kelly. That stick is getting lowered way too fast these days.

Mary Moss said...

Oh my gosh! This is just a wonderful post! And you used 2 of my favorite scripture.

God's girl said...



...just wow...

What a very "real" post, and I truly am speechless!!!


Joyfulsister said...

Kelly that ole devil is a liar and you need to knock him upside the head with that stick lol. I Say that just cuz I can so relate with this post today. You know I used to be able to do that limbo, but I'm not that flexable anymore .
Great analogy my sistah!!

Hugz Lorie

B His Girl said...

Homerun post girl! You should do something more with this. b

lisasmith said...


I keep seeing your picture all over bloggy world and just thought I'd pop by and introduce myself...nice to meet you!!

What a fun blog you have! Wisdom and humor...

It's amazing how when "lowering the boom" seems to be the course of the day if we but lift our eyes and our thoughts things can shift for the better. Love your thoughts, girl.

Have a blessed week!

The Patterson 5 said...

Prayers for you as your limbo feels low. May it be on the way up soon! This post reminding me to focus on the truth raises and helps remove mine. Thanks for the lift!

Mrs. Naz of All That Naz & Becoming Me said...

Thank you kelly. What a fabulous analogy. I am so thankful for that Voice of Truth and pray that I will listen to it regularly.

Vashti said...

I have been out of touch with the outside world for 5 days as Joe went into respitory distress on saturday morning. I have just come home from the hospital 5 days later and I am catching up on blogs. I wish I had read this post earlier! My stick was about as low as it has ever been this past 5 days and now we are on the other side and I am so thankful to God for lifting my little boy out of the devils grip.
It was so hard to life my eyes up during this time.
Thankyou for reminding me to ALWAYS look up.
Thanks friend.