Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thankful Thursday - 1/22

Joining my Circuit City Buddy, Sonya at Truth 4 the Journey for another edition of Thankful Thursday.

1. Thankful that my family is healthy. Lots of stomach bugs and even whooping cough is going around my community. So far, we're all fine.

2. Thankful that I only have 1 more devotional to write (deadline 1/31) to submit for payment!

3. Thankful for friends who pray for my needs, and that I can pray for my friends, any place, any time, any reason.

4. Thankful for exercise friends to keep me motivated to head to the gym at 8 a.m.!

5. Thankful for praise music that lifts my spirit. I love to shout to the Lord! (My singing does sound more like shouting than singing, but my God just loves my joyful noise!)

What are you thankful for this week? Join Sonya's meme by clicking the button below. Or just leave your thankful things in my comments. Thankful for you today, my readers!

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Chatty Kelly


Truth4thejourney said...

Hi Kelly! Your #3 is very similar to my #3! LOL!! Anyhow, Mr. Linky is up and running now. What a major detail to leave out! LOL!

Only 1 more devo to write, WOW! You are a writing machine girl!! YEAH!


Marla said...

Great things to be thankful for. We need to be thankful to God each and everyday. Sometimes it seems we concentrate on needs in our prayers and we should be thanking God for what he gives us each day!

Runner Mom said...

These are great! Number 4 is wonderful! You and the girls need to choose a race to run! That is so much fun!!

Stay warm!

Yolanda said...

What a blessing!

Greg C said...

If you were really motivated, you would be at the gym at 5 am like I am. We are starting a fitness challenge here at work. It starts Monday and I am ready to take that challenge.

Irritable Mother said...

I'm thankful for music, too. My husband got me Kathy Troccoli's new CD "for Christmas," and it just arrived this week. I am listening to it - and loving it!

Melanie said...

I'm thankful for your writing.

seesawfaith said...

I am so with you on #5!

Good luck on finishing your final devotional!

Kay Martin said...

As a writer I'm "feeling" the deadline pain with you. God is patient to put up us, isn't He? We pray for doors to open for our gifts to flow and He does. Then the next word He hears from is "Help."

Can't wait to read the devotions because you most definitely will meet them early!

Loved your list.