Friday, July 18, 2008

Blog Fog

Okay - I'm in a fog. I don't know what to write about and my blog is due. I cannot just not post. It's not in me. I am nothing if not reliable. I think it was that Bonus Thursday blog that threw me off. Oh well.

I looked around others blogs for ideas. There was a cute "A to Z" filler blog that I could have used, but I was uninspired even by that. Yup, I'm in a blog fog. definition #3 says fog is "a state of mental confusion or unawareness; daze; stupor." Okay, maybe fog is too strong of a word. Maybe its just a haze. (Definition #2 - vagueness or obscurity, as of the mind or perception; confused or vague thoughts, feelings). I'm in a blog haze...but as a writer I have to say that doesn't have the ring to it that Blog Fog does.

Okay, this is the point where I wrap it all together, right? Bring it to the point that sometimes I get hazy in my relationship with God. I even found a bible verse. But I can't quite seem to pull it off.

I hope this foggy post won't cloud your day. And if it does, do what I'm going to do. Try spending some time in the Son.

1 Corinthians 13:12 --We don't yet see things clearly. We're squinting in a fog, peering through a mist. But it won't be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright! We'll see it all then, see it all as clearly as God sees us, knowing him directly just as he knows us! (The Message Bible)

Psalm 119:105 -- Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.


Truth4thejourney said...

Even in a blog fog I enjoyed your post! have a great day in the "son".

Sue J said...

Well, I'm glad you didn't opt for the filler. All those by-products, mystery meat and nitrates....not healthy!

But, what you do by keeping on your schedule is that you "force" yourself to write, which is good challenging work for a writer! And, as ADHDMe was pondering earlier in the week about productivity, you don't blog to be busy (like this fog-ey!).

The Patterson 5 said...

I got a double dose of Chatty Kelly -I did not check in yesterday to be blessed by your post so I read two today! I agree with Sonya even in a fog your blog is great! And after a day in the "Son" I know he will fill your blog with many things He calls you to share!

Bonita said...

Take a deep breath and relax. Just as natural fog clears if given the right time and conditions, so does blog fog. I'm sure you'll be your "sonny" self again soon with plenty to share. In the mean time, I agree with Sue J. You kept writing even in the fog, kept putting one step in front of the other even though you couldn't see much. I can't wait to hear what you have to say when the fog lifts!

My ADHD Me said...

so she sat...and she sat....and she sat.....
I would go crazy-er if I had a blog schedule like you do. You're doing great AND still finding the time to help me out. (thanks for adding the link)

Why 2nd Cup of Coffee? said...

Doesn't a fog like this make you compassionate for journalists and columnists who have deadlines?? Yikes. Try keeping a list that inspires you or stealing from me and putting your own spin on it. Ha. I run dry all the time!

Suzanne Eller said...

Everybody deserves a blog fog day. I write for four blogs and believe me I have those days. : )Thanks for stopping by my site!

HisPrincess said...

I often have a foggy day. They are the days that I just sit and write and see what happens.

Thanks for stoppin by on my blog and leaving encouragement for me. You are such a blessing.