Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Who is Your Expert?

That awkward moment. I was sitting in the pedicure chair reading a fashion magazine. Under the Do's and Don'ts section, the first DON'T the Fashion Expert said was, "Never, unless you are heading to or from the gym, never wear black yoga pants, a fleece jacket and white cross trainers in public."  I glanced down over my outfit. Other than the white cross trainers, that was exactly what I was wearing. The cross trainers, which I wasn't exactly wearing, were sitting in the floor next to me, as I had my toe nails painted.  Oh, the awkward moment.

That awkward moment. I was at a speaking seminar and the Marketing Expert was sharing the Do's and Don'ts of marketing your blog.  The first Don't, the Marketing Expert said, "Never pose in a photo with you hand beside your face. We don't want to see your knuckle." I cringed as I thought of my blog photo, the photo I used for all my publicity.  This is the photo. 

Oh the awkward moment!

Reading what the experts say, and getting it wrong can be, well, awkward!  But I had a light bulb moment the other day.  I receive several emails from writing experts, to help me work on my craft. I received an email that said, "Say 'no' often. If you said yes too much, you will become overwhelmed and if you don't meet deadlines you will ruin your reputation in the industry."  Sounded reasonable to me.

But then I received an email from another "expert."  His email said, "Say yes more than you think you should. This will challenge you to work harder and do more. You won't know what you're capable of if you don't push yourself."

Both comments from the so-called experts seemed legit, but they were in complete opposition to one another. Which one was correct?  I guess the one that works best for you.

There are plenty of experts out there in every field, all doling out advice at record pace. The thing is, however, while their ideas may be good, the aren't the gospel. Just read health magazines. One expert extols the virtues of a juice fast, while the next extols the dangers! What works for some, doesn't work for all. 

The only place I've found that has the correct advice all the time is, in fact, the Gospel, that is the good news of Jesus Christ.  The Bible.  Packed with the "Do's and Don'ts of Life," it shares consistently accurate information. Yes, there are some awkward moments when I realize I've been living in contradiction to God's will, but he is a forgiving God! And his lessons won't go out of style. They haven't in over 2,000 years. Can you say that for your skinny jeans? Or your marketing plan?

While I may not look my best in my yoga pants, I do feel pretty good in them. So I keep wearing them to the grocery or the salon. Because while it's fun to get advice from the experts, they don't know everything. The only Expert who does is Jesus. And His plan says not to worry about what we wear or how we look. It's what is inside that counts. 

Where are you getting your "expert" advice?

Kelly Combs is a Christian wife, mom, writer and speaker. You can learn about Kelly by visiting her website at www.kellycombs.com

Chatty Kelly


Carrie Daws said...

I love this! I'm currently subscribed to tell "experts" in the marketing field and while I love their advice individually, they frequently contradict one another. But I still love getting both sides and figuring out what will work for me and my readers. Because ultimately, you're right. The only One who gets it all right, and who knows the perfect marketing plan for me, is God.

Susan said...

The few minutes it took to read you blog- I went from laughing to quiet introspection to a quick prayer to smiling. I'd say that's a pretty good post. :)

Melanie Dorsey said...

But have you ever worn your black yoga pants with brown clogs? (hee...hee...)
I was in that session about the "knuckles in the picture." I kept waiting for him to add a comment about the "stand against the brick wall" pose. Lots of those but I guess that's okay.
Sometimes I have to shut down the voice of the experts. It just gets too noisy.

Kelly Combs said...

Amen Carrie. I couldn't have said it better myself. However, I like it so much, I'm going to quote it again here, "The only One who gets it all right, and who knows the perfect marketing plan for me, is God. " YES!
Thanks for your comment.

Kelly Combs said...

Thank you Susan! That is high praise. I'm glad you liked it.

Kelly Combs said...

And, they are not always right! I keep reminding myself of that. Just because they said it, doesn't mean it's right for me. Maybe I happen to rock yoga pants. (okay, well maybe not.).

Tinalynnlangley2000 said...

Reminded me of my study in Phil 2:12 this morning. "...workout your own salvation with fear and trembling." Listen to experts, but don't rely on their advice, rely on God's Word.

Kelly Combs said...

Excellent words indeed Tina!

Clarice G. James said...

What about a mug covering half your face and both sets of knuckles showing? Sheesh. Love the post, Kelly and both your pics!

Kelly Combs said...

Funny Clarice, because I remember when I first saw your marketing photo how much I liked it. It's unqiue and says so much about you in a moment. See, those marketing folks don't know everything!

Carmen said...

Really enjoyed this post Kelly. Such balance is just what I needed to hear today! You're a blessing!

Kelly Combs said...

Awww, thanks Carmen! Your comment is a blessing to me.

Kurt Keys said...

My mom told me once that Expert is Ex as in "has been", and spurt as in "drip under pressure"

Kari Scare said...

Took me almost 40 years to figure out what you wrote in this post. My life is so much simpler and contentment is so much more common now that I have figured out that true happiness is doing what works for me as indicated by the truth of God's word. What's not explicity written in the Bible comes through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He speaks often through my instinct or woman's intuition or whatever you want to call it. Good stuff!

Angelacgifford said...

Love this post! It is so true. I try to get advice from lots of "expert" sources, but I have to take it all to prayer because no one but God really knows what I need to do. It gets really frustrating just trying to follow the experts.

Kelly Combs said...

So true Angela. Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting!

Kelly Combs said...

Me too Kari! Keep following the EXPERT! He knows what we need.

Kelly Combs said...

I like it! Your mom was a wise woman.

Rob Sorbo said...

Just bounced over from michaelhyatt.com. Great post--definitely worthy of being a top post.

Kelly Combs said...

Thanks, Rob! Nice to meet you on the internet.