Last week I blogged about my self-doubt. I, in fact, let you see me sweat. But something wonderful came from that. So many women told me how they could relate!
Even though our society says not to show weakness, I think that when we share our vulnerabilities in a safe place it allows other women to realize they are not alone or unusual in their thought process. When we show that we are not perfect, it allows those around us to safely be imperfect as well.
It's funny that the deodorant Secret, used the catch phrase "Never let them see you sweat." Because when we hide our weaknesses, not letting the world see us sweat, we are in fact keeping a secret.
2 Corin 11:30 states, "If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness." Sharing our weaknesses, not keeping the secret, opens the way for us to experience the superabundant strength of God's grace.
So while it's true that I have weaknesses, flaws, struggles and doubts, I also have a God who loves me anyway and raises me beyond what little I can do and be, to what He wants me to do and be. So do you. Together let's focus on who we are in Christ. For he said, "My power is made perfect in weakness."
When I am weak, then I am strong.*
*2 Corin 12:9,10
So true Kelly! Last night I revealed the mess of my prior life (when I was young...not reincarnation)in front of one of my friends. It's funny how people form opinions that aren't true when we don't show them our vulnerabilities. It's hard to relate to someone that seems to have it all together. It's also hard to be vulnerable...but we need each other.
Amen, Kelly! And I also love this scripture! We need unveiled faces!!! 2 Cor. 3:18
And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into hiH likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
A good lesson. Thanks.
Amen, dear sister!
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