This year, without warning, the voles ate the roots of my beautiful plants. I noticed first they were browning at the tips of the leaves. I thought they needed water, but watering didn't do anything. Then as I touched leaves, I realized they could be pulled up without any roots attached. The voles had eaten the roots.
All of my beautiful plants have been destroyed. "Hosta" La Vista! I took them so much for granted, that I never even took a photo of them.
Sometimes we have other "show pieces" in our lives. Our marriage, our children, even our faith can look beautiful on the outside, but if we are doing "nothing" to maintain them, we can't expect them to stay healthy. Evil is waiting to burrow into the roots of our relationship destroying them.
Spend time with your loved ones telling them they are appreciated. Pray for them. Spend time with God praying and studying His word. Be vigilant looking for the one who comes to steal and destroy. When we appreciate those things dear to us, we worry less that they'll say "Hasta la vista." We can honor our relationships, pray for them, and watch them grow with the power of the Son.
Wow. Great illustration. Rooted in Him and abiding in Him, we must take great care of the gifts He has given.
From your first sentence, I wanted to see you a picture. But it makes more of an impact that there is no picture to show.
This is great, Kelly. And the encouragement is RIGHT ON.
Sorry to hear about the hostas. They were stunning! We had quite a few hosta when we moved in, but the deer ate them one year. Now, they grow on the deck, where deer and vole won't gnaw.
Yes, we need to guard our precious faith, and we need to turn to God to help us do that very thing!
Lovin' the gardening post from you! You are branching out....
Wonderful post! Wonderful reminder. Wonderful new friend. :)
I especially liked this post, Chatty...
Love the illustration, Kelly. I'm sorry about your Hosta's. This is a good reminder to look around and not take things for granted.
Cute title!
Well if that wasn't just what I needed to hear this morning. Sorry for the delay in getting back. I think it may be time to come back and get back on the blogging wagon.
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