Monday, May 2, 2011

Singing in the Rain

I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain,
what a glorious feeling,I'm happy again!
Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly, 1952

Singing in the Rain is one of the great movie classics. Long time blog fans know I love musicals! The musical hit song, "Singing in the rain" has Gene Kelly singing and dancing, happy again. Are you able to sing in the rain?

Let's face it, real life is tough stuff. We often get caught in the rain. Sometimes just a shower, but other times we are hit hard with the storms of life. Where do you turn in life's storms?

In Matthew 8, Jesus and the disciples were in a boat when a storm came. In great fear, the disciples thought the might die. But Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was then completely calm. The disciples were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

There is a Christian song that talks about life's storms. The lyrics state, "Sometimes he calms the storm. With a whisper, 'Peace be still,' he can settle every sea...but that doesn't mean he will. Sometimes he holds us close, and let's the winds and waves go by. Sometimes he calls the storm, but other times he calms his child."

Being a Christian doesn't mean we don't have storms. But as Christians, we know that Jesus is near, even in the storms.

Did you know there is an additional verse in the Singing in the Rain song, not used in the musical? It goes like this,

Why am I smiling and why do I sing?
Why does September seem sunny as spring?
Why do I get ups each morning and start?
Happy and head up, with joy in my heart
Why is each new task a trifle to do?
Because I am living a life full of you.

Yes, I have storms in my life. But I'm able to sing in the rain, because happy and head up, with joy in my heart...I am living a life full of Jesus. Here's praying that with Jesus you can be singing...and the rain.

Chatty Kelly

1 comment:

A multi-dimensional life said...

This is such a sweet post, Kelly!
"sometimes He calms the storm, but other times He calms his child" ...Love it! xo