I can't get no satisfaction.
'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try.
I can't get no, I can't get no."
Satisfaction, Rolling Stones, 1965
I've discovered a delicious, sweet, and low calorie treat! It is Jello-O Rice pudding in Creme Brulee flavor. And it is mmm-mmm-good. It is sugar free and only 70 calories. I've been enjoying it each night as my evening dessert. It is completely satisfying.
The other night I sat out my pudding, and then proceeded to make each of my girls an ice cream cone. I took a lick off of the ice cream cone before I gave it to my daughter. It was sweet, creamy and so delicious. I then sat down to my "delicious, sweet pudding." Suddenly it didn't taste sweet at all. It was no longer the sweet, creamy treat I'd enjoyed all week. I was like Mic Jagger, unable to get any satisfaction...from my pudding!
Our lives are often like that. We're going along, happy and satisfied. And then we get a "taste" of what our neighbor has. Then we are no longer content. This can happen in an instant. We can drive home in our brand new 2008 vehicle, only to find out that our neighbor's 2008 came with the "Limited Package." Suddenly, joy can be stolen.
Maybe cars aren't your thing. If you're a mom, perhaps its the honor student or football hero next door that makes you and your mothering feel inferior. If you're married, maybe its the romantic trips "her" husband takes her on. It can be something as small and insignificant as another woman's beautiful french manicure that makes you & your natural stubby nails feel "less than." Suddenly you're singing, "I can't get no satisfaction!"
Paul (the Apostle) said he had learned the secret of being content. He learned to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (Philippians 4:8) Maybe I need to change my focus. From what I don't have to what I do. Then Paul says the God of Peace will be with me.
So, if you try, and you try, and you try, and you try - and still haven't found satisfaction, try God. He is the only thing that will ever truly satisfy.
Hebrews 13:5 -- Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you."
Picture a hand in the thumbs up position.
Beside it are the words "Mary Likes This".
Wow. It's like the Twilight Zone. Blog and Facebook in one comment. (only for you....satisfaction!)
Truly, being content is not about the contents of what we have but about the contents of our hearts. When we know God, we are filled completely and perfectly....
When we have CHRIST we need nothing more. My hubby reminds me this when I get anywhere near a shoe dept. I am serious!
Great post!
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