Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas is about Presents....

"What did you get for Christmas?" No doubt, that question has been asked alot this week as the kids headed back to school after Christmas break. Let's face it, Christmas is about the presents, right?

No doubt, the Combs family loves gift giving! My youngest daughter got a new scooter and lots of Barbie stuff. The older daughter got an ipod and clothes. My husband got lots of new clothes, and books, while I got jewelry and books. We sponsored a young man through social services and bought his Christmas gifts. We sent gifts to children through our church mission. We love presents!

But the truth is, many folks think Christmas is JUST about the presents. And that isn't true. Christmas is about Jesus. We do love to give gifts. But the gifts are to draw our attention to the gift of eternal life we received through Jesus coming to earth as a baby on the first Christmas, growing up, dieing on the cross, taking our sins with him, rising up from the dead and conquering death for us all.

Presents are what the wise men brought to young Jesus to honor him. Gifts are not a bad thing. But when you think Christmas is only about the presents you get confused. Christmas is about Jesus, and the fact that he came to earth, and gave us His presence. And through the Holy Spirit we can always have His presence with us. Christmas really is about presence!

Chatty Kelly

1 comment:

Susan said...

One of my fav Christmas memories is my DS 3 in the preK play. They sang a song called "Are toys what Christmas is about?" and the kids respond NO!NO!NO! then they sing "Is CHRIST what Christmas is about?" and they respond: YES!YES!YES! Anyway the day I went to video, my 3yo heard the first question and screamed YES then "no!no!" when he realized he'd just told everyone that he was the heathen who thought the toys were the central feature of Christmas!

A great post, Kelly!! Happy New Year!!

:-) Susan