Grown a little sadder,Grown a little older.
We Need a Little Christmas, Mame Musical, 1966
The new year is fast approaching. How do you feel about it? Once the Christmas decorations are taken down, and the cold, short days of winter occur, it can cause feelings of the winter blahs, blues or even sadness.
We lament that through the holidays we haven't grown a little leaner, as the song lyric suggests, but the opposite! But we have grown a little colder, grown a little sadder, grown a little older. What can we do to fight discouragement?
We need a little a Christmas, right this very minute! No I don't mean pull the tree back out of the attic, or hang your stockings. No, I mean the reason for the season, Jesus. We need a little Christmas, we need Jesus.
Listening to praise music, reading scripture and prayer can all improve your spirits. While troubles don't go away just from following God, we are promised a "peace that passes human understanding." A peace, that in the midst of turmoil, God is still there. He still loves us, and we have the assurance of eternal life in Him, where there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
If you are struggling, seek Jesus first. If that doesn't help, talk to a trusted friend, counselor or pastor. Get help!
We need a little Christmas...and a lot of!
Wishing you a blessed new year-
Amen! Christmas is really needed year round if the blues set in.
I think this is a subject worthy of discussion. Even more that what you have already opened up.
There can be such a let down feeling. For obvious reasons, we were not "up" for it to begin with.
Amen to your blog. We certainly do need Jesus- A Happy New Year to you and your family with many blessings - Nita
You have me singing again! :)
Jesus satisfies. He is our portion! Amen!
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