The funny thing is, while I'm yelling "Retreat!" as in Women's Retreat on the outside, my insides are yelling in the military term meaning draw back, move back, pull away, pull back, recede. In other words RUN FOR MY LIFE!
I know I have an important message to share, but in front of 200 women? And what if they don't like me! It's those old insecurities raising their heads again. Yet, I know this is what I have a heart for: Speaking and writing for women. This is my destiny.
So I move ahead, not retreat, toward the goal. I ask for your prayers as I speak tonight and tomorrow. May God be glorified!
Philippians 3:14 -- I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
God has given you a message and has opened the doors, so move forward!
Praying that when you stand before those women, you will know that He is standing there with you.
love and hugs~Tammy
Praying for you friend! Love you! Can't wait to hear about it!
1 Corinthians 2
1When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. 2For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. 4My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, 5so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
Thank You Jesus for holding Your precious daughters she opens her mouth be the Word! Thank You for safe travel, thank You for relationships built, thank You for all the women attending this retreat...You will be there, and thank You Lord for all You will do in Kelly and the other women's hearts..we love You, Amen!
I am proud of you Kelly...keep walking in faith!
You can do it! You will be great! I would drive all those miles to hear you speak if I knew where you were going to be exactly and didn't have to work tomorrow.
God will make sure whatever you say hits the ears of the hearers in a way that gives them just what they need to be built up in the faith. You're perfect for this job!
Now enjoy and be calm and smile, you'll have them at the smile.
How exciting, Kelly! Let's pray.
Father in heaven, all praise and glory be to Your name. You, alone, are worthy of praise and we pour it out at Your feet. We want to honor You in all we say and think and do. We want to praise You with our every breath.
And we do.
We praise You, Almighty God!
Father, I thank You that You know every single woman who is going to be at this retreat tonight and tomorrow. You know the struggles she is facing today. You know her every need. You even know the obstacles getting in her way today, which our enemy will try to use to keep her from getting to that retreat.
So I am praying right now - even as I am asking You to calm Kelly's heart - that You will prepare the hearts of each woman attending the retreat. Will You make her ready for what You want to speak to her? Will You give her strength today to overcome the obstacles? Will You crush the plans of Satan, as he tries to mess with Yours?
God, Lord of Hosts, You who are able to do ALL things, will You glorify Yourself this weekend and draw these women into closer relationships with Yourself? Even Kelly, as she speaks. Lord, please let her experience Your presence and Your power as she never has before.
I'm asking it all in the wonderful, powerful, beautiful, matchless Name of JESUS.
Amen and amen.
Have a GREAT weekend, Kelly!
Oh, you'll love the weather in NC. It is really nice here right now.
I pray God will calm your nerves/fears and use your mouth for His glory. :o) You'll be great!
Bless you!
Beth'll do just fine! I've never heard you speak, but I've heard your heart...with that and God, you'll do amazing things!
I'm praying for you! You will do wonderful!
They will like you.
People often respond to us based on how we are perceived to regard ourselves. Trust that God is working through you and your listeners will trust that, too.
When asked if his stomach still gets butterflies after 25 years of preaching the minister said, "Yes, but at least now they fly in formation."
YOu'll do well.
You did a fabulous job! I am happy to have met you. It was a great pleasure getting to hear your speak!
Thanks for encouraging us,
Please post how the retreat went!
Well I don't see how anyone could NOT like you.
Praying that when you stand before those women, you will know that He is standing there with you.
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