If you are not a blogger, you can now subscribe via email. Click the link to the right that says "Subscribe to ChattyKelly" to subscribe via feedburner. Then you will receive an email every time I post a new blog posting.
You can visit me at http://www.chattykelly.com/. This is the new domain name I purchased. This is shorter than having to type in http://www.chattykelly.blogspot.com/, and more convenient.
You can always visit my website http://www.kellycombs.com/ and click the "Blog" link to be directed here.
If you are a blogger, you can log into blogger and follow me as always. Then I will appear in your news feed every time I update my blog with a new post.
Hopefully these new updates will make my blog quick and easy to visit! I welcome your feedback!
I'll keep following you here. I like your blogposts. :)
You're a technophile!
Congrats on the website purchase! It must be fun. :) You commented my blog awhile ago and I just wanted to drop by. I'm trying to catch up with all the blogs. Thank you for the prayers! I will try to keep up with your bloggy. <3
You're moving up in the world. Yay for you! :D
OR...if one is your sister, they can pick up the phone and call you!
I like your blogposts. :)
home based data entry
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