Friday, April 9, 2010

God Rules*

My daughters love to ride their bikes, especially my 8 year old. And while I have been known to be legalistic in my rules, I sometimes let her ride without her helmet if they are only riding in the yard or driveway. Not my husband…he says wear it every time, then there is never a question of when she wears it. It’s a rule, all the time. She often complains about her dad’s rules, the helmet, having to wear tennis shoes or crocs when biking (no flip-flops or sandals), etc. I try to explain that he just wants her to be safe.

The other day as I came home from the grocery store (and the girls had been home with their dad), she ran out to greet me. “I fell off my bike while riding on the sidewalk. I hit my head on the sidewalk, but I had my helmet on and it didn’t even hurt. Dad’s rules rule!” I had to laugh. These “terribly unfair” rules became great because they helped her out.

It reminded me about God & his “rules.” I’ve heard folks say that they didn’t want to become a Christian because then they couldn’t have any “fun” anymore. Or why do those Christians have so many rules! Well, God doesn’t want us to hate his rules, but to love them. They keep us safe, just like that bicycle helmet.

The most important rule is to love God with all your heart, and to love others as much as you love yourself. (Jesus tells us this in the Bible in Mark 12:28-31.) My husband loves our daughter so much, he can’t bear the thought that she might get hurt – and that’s EXACTLY why God gives us his rules. I’m glad I have a Father (a heavenly Father named God!) who loves me so much…just like my daughter does.

**This post originally ran in 2008, and is posted as a repeat, as I take this week off to enjoy Spring Break with my family.**

Chatty Kelly


Mary said...

That husband of yours is a smart man! We had a neighbor that was riding her scooter (a few years ago) without her helmet (her dad said she could ride it for just a few minutes without it); she fell, hit her head, and they had a really scary situation on their hands. I tell all my kids at school to make sure they wear theirs when they ride their scooters, bikes, or when they rollerblade.

Tracy said...

I'm glad you have a father who loves you too. We both know why that's so special to you... :)

Andrea said...

After we hit our heads on the sidewalk of life a few times...a GODLY helmet of salvation is pretty cool!

Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

Carmen said...

A great reminder that His rules are an extension of His love for us, whether we realize it or not. They're good for us. Enjoy spring break with your family, Kelly. :)

Beth in NC said...

Ha. What a great comparison! I'm glad you're daughter is ok -- and I'm glad we are ok when we obey our Father.


KrippledWarrior said...

The armor of God is far more effective at protecting me than any man made helmet. But I wear one, most of the time.
And it says "GOD RULES" on the back.

Heart2Heart said...


Great post and it goes to show your girls the importance of following not only the rules you lay out but God's rules as well.

Don't forget to stop by my blog for a last chance opportunity to join in some book giveaways. One ends tomorrow. They are on my side bar to the right.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

My ADHD Me said...

So she followed the rules, stayed safe, and STILL had fun.

We can still have fun while following God's rules. How many years did it take me to figure THAT one out!

God's girl said...

I love this. And what a wonderful way to explain God's love for us:)

Blessings! Heaven

Linda said...

I have just found your blog and loved your posts!
Yes-we can have fun following God's rules!
I look forward to following you and getting to know you.I am new to blogging and hoping to make many new blogging friends. Please drop by my blog and look forward to seeing you there.

prashant said...

They're good for us. Enjoy spring break with your family,
home based data entry

Edie said...

This is a great post Kelly! So so true!
I hope you are enjoying your Spring break. That is a very cute picture of the girls!

Luv4PolarBears said...

wait im confused... whos eight??