Many of our problems in life may be caused by not putting first things first. We often put off the important stuff that we don't feel like doing wasting time on the trivial. That leads to stress, and even anxiety.
From a Christian perspective, first things first means putting God first. Do you start your day with God? Starting the day with prayer, a Bible reading or devotional is a great place to start. Making time to be still before God and rest in Him. And keeping God present in your thoughts and actions all day.
First things first also means taking care of ourselves. We tend to put ourselves last, meeting everyone else's needs first. But if you are exhausted and burnt out, you can't help anyone. Take time to exercise and eat right. If you are an introvert, make quiet time for yourself. If you are an extrovert, make time to get out with friends. These things will have energize and renew you, allowing you to meet the needs of those you care for as well.
What are you doing today to put first things first?
Matthew 6:31-34 -- So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Indeed, I do not always take care of once again, I have found GOD speaking to me through your post. I suppose I don't like to think about the fact I am not obeying by not taking care of myself when all along that is exactly what I am doing.
Trying again to get it right,
The answer to the first question is a cinch. I check my e-mail, see who's on facebook, read just one more blog and then speed like a madwoman and make it to work just in time to punch in one half of a single second EARLY.
Trying to start each new day with Sarah Young's devotional, Jesus Calling. It is wonderful. Fash and I have recently completed reading the Old Testament. It took us 4 years and we skipped some of the lamenting in Lamentations.
Is your speaking engagement for a women's ministry group (or something like that) coming up real soon? I think I read about it somewhere. Anyway...the best to you for delivering God's word clearly to the clan. I know you'll do well. Your devos rock!
Oh yes first.....our First Love. If I don't start my day by steeping myself in God's Word....this woman drowns! :)
Thanks, Kelly!
Love ya!
Speaking in April? Yay!
Priorities, priorities. You haven't learned how to be in two places at once? I was worried I was the only one.
You can get your laundry out of the dryer and folded in 10 minutes? That would probably make me late. :)
My grand-girls always think of me when they hear the phrase "first things first". When they are here and we need leave to go somewhere I have to tell them to go stand at the door, don't touch anything, and wait for me. If I don't all three of them will have an "issue" for me to deal with before we can go and we will be late. :D
First things first... it's an organizational concept, and since God is not a God of chaos it makes sense that it is His way. :)
Hope you're having a good weekend!
Did you write this as an email to me and then accidentally use it as a post????
Good post, Kelly--and so true. Sometimes it's easy to fill life with the trivial while neglecting the necessary responsibilities. Putting God first is a need we should all satisfy!
Your posts don't always update on my blog--not sure why, but I check you out whenever I realize I haven't read you for a while. Glad I stopped by! :)
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