Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday - 9/17

Five things I'm thankful for this week:

1. I'm thankful that God is with me, even when I don't "feel" Him. (I started Beth Moore's Esther Bible study yesterday, and that is the intro topic.) Sometimes we don't feel His presence, but we believe that He will never leave nor forsake us.

2. I thankful I live in a free country where I can openly study God's Word, then blog, facebook or twitter about it. No underground church house for me. Friends, that is something to be hugely thankful for.

3. I'm thankful for my husband. Whether its bouncing ideas off of him, or getting a backup in my parenting decisions, I'm thankful that I'm not in this life single.

4. I'm thankful for my kids. I love my kids so much it makes my heart hurt. And to think that my Heavenly Father loves me MORE THAN THAT?? Amazing.

5. I'm thankful for blogging. Who would have thought that this little thing called blogger could have lead to so many friendships, prayer partners, and fellowship. Thanks y'all!

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Chatty Kelly


Beth in NC said...

Hi Kelly,

Amen on that list of thanksgiving. I pray our country will always be free.

Have a blessed Thursday!

Mary Moss said...

What a great list, Kelly! I, too, am grateful for all the connections in my life because of blogging:-)

SusanD said...

Wonderful list. Through blogging, God is teaching me so much through the people He has introduced me to that I would otherwise not have the opportunity to meet. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, SusanD

Jane In The Jungle said...

Great list as always Kelly!
I posted this week about not being alone even when I don't "feel" him, great minds, LOL!!

Yolanda said...


Loved your list and I could truly identify with #5. I am thankful as well, opened up a big world to me!


Shelly said...

I am also thankful that I stumbled upon so many great blogs and have been touched through them. Hope you have a great week!

Greg C said...

Another great list Kelly. I am with you on the freedom. Just think if we had to keep it hiden. We couldn't blog about God. :(

Divine Mrs D said...

I love your list!! Especially number 1.

Kay Martin said...

Amen to blogging overwise I would have missed you wonderful writing Godly woman!!!

Katy said...

Great list!!! We are so fortunate to live in this country and its freedoms. I married when I was 30. I, too, am glad I am not in this life single!!

Mocha with Linda said...

Awesome list!

Lea said...

No underground churchhouse...
THANK GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy TT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ronel Sidney said...

I am thankful for blogging, too and your friendship!!

Truth4thejourney said...

Great list today! I'm in agreement with you. My blogging friends are so special to me.

Glad you've started the new Bible study! Can't wait to hear all about it.

Sonya Lee

Heart2Heart said...


A big old hearty AMEN with you on your list. I agree with everything you have listed! God is amazing and I too am thankful God has blessed me with an amazing husband the second time around.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

Carmen said...

Great list today Kelly! I especially loved number 2. You are saying a whole lot there. We do have to appreciate that and take advantage of it! No doubt!

On Purpose said...

Hello Kelly...I am thankful for stopping by here today...I just started the Esther study this will be fun to journey through this together!

KrippledWarrior said...

Man that makes me homesick. A charming southern accent always make me want to run barefoot in cool clover. Like a little redneck. I worked for years to get rid of my twang. Only to find out later that the pretty girls liked it. And I had thought they believed I was ignorant because they giggled when I spoke.
Blessings on you, Sister.

Lisa said...

I saw on facebook this week someone write, "It's not about a feeling, but a filling". I like that! God through His Holy Spirit is always with us, leading, guiding, speaking. I am so thankful for His presence.
Blessings ~ Lisa

Susan said...

I really really need to start doing this meme. I love reading them and thinking about all the blessings that are mine through reading the blessings of others.



KrippledWarrior said...

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply you had a backwoods southern hick drawl. A sophisticated, lilt was what I was hearing.

My ADHD Me said...

Before I started blogging (thanks to you) I never would have thought it would have been a way to learn so much and to meet so many wonderful people.

Sarah Dawn said...

I too delight in all the people that I have met. And I just began in April`

Splashing for His glory,
Sarah Dawn

Edie said...

1. I have wanted to do that Esther study for a while. I love the opening line.

2. Amen! I hope it stays that way.

5. I am also so very thankful for my dear bloggy friends. I never thought anyone would read anything I posted much less that I would make friends through blogging.