Oh, it started out innocently enough. I friend offered me some delicious chocolate sweet bread. After I complimented her, she asked "Would you like a starter?" Oh sure! I'd love to make some chocolate bread. However, that was before I realized it was a 10 day obligation. Say what? Oh yes, I must daily knead the bag. I must (on the correct day mind you) add sugar & flour & milk. Then I have to find 3 friends to take starter bags from me. But I'm continuing the project, work though it may be, in hopes of the delicious chocolate bread at the end.
You know, being a Christian can take work too. It starts out innocently enough someone asking you if you'd like to have eternal life, if you'd like to know Jesus. Oh sure! You'd love to know Jesus. But just like the friendship bread, this Christianity project should take diligence and determination too, and daily work on your part.
See, once you know Jesus, you should desire to be more like Jesus. I don't know about you, but in my life that takes real work! That gossip I just heard? I need to hold it inside, or even better refuse to hear it in the first place. That snide remark on the tip of my tongue...bite it. And don't even get me started on submission. Honey, that takes diligence, determination, and work!
Daily I should be reading the Bible and praying. You know this project, like my Amish Friendship Bread, isn't easy. So why do I keep it up? For the bread.
Just like the hope of the reward of that chocolate bread, I have an even bigger hope in Jesus, the "bread of life." The hope of eternal life. And not only does Christianity offer me that long term hope, but short term I have the hope that now Jesus is with me every step. The Holy Spirit lives in me, helping me with my life on earth.
I could buy a box cake mix, and be done in an hour. But at the end of these 10 days I will have not only the chocolate friendship bread, but the pride that I stuck it out and I did it. At the end times, I hope I have the pride that in my Christian walk I also stuck it out. With the help of Jesus, I did it!
John 6:35 -- Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry.
John 6:48-51 -- I am the bread of life. Your forefathers ate the manna in the desert, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which a man may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever.
Good post. I've made that bread before and it is a lot of discipline, but the rewards are great! :O)
Hey, Kelly! What a GREAT analogy!! I love that bread...but! I'm right there with you! The rewards are definitely worth waiting for! Have a good day!
My girls and I LOVE that bread! But after keeping it going for about 2 months last year, I finally threw my starter in the trash. I had a freezer full of bread! (It freezes well) If you are looking for a friend to pass one off to, I'll take one.
Love it! I actually did my SOAP yesterday on something very similar. =)
Great post. I have ruined more bags of that bread than I care to recount. I love your analogy here. Makes me want to "try again".
:-) Susan
Somebody told me that today is National Chocolate Day, or something like that. Nice timing!
Can't believe you gave in to the AFB, but, chocolate...?!
Very nice analogy today. We all need to be fed with the good stuff to grow into something good.
I worked in a bakery. I needed the dough...
Then I quit and went on the loaf.
See the deer? Does the deer have a little doe? Yeah, two bucks.
Great post today Kelly. And no I don't want one of the starter kits. The final product will be worth it.
With all that work I am sure there will be times that you think; is this really worth it? You know there is an easier way to get bread. Come on, take it easy, live the good life, just buy some bread. It might not turn out anyway.
Sounds familiar doesn't it. That's you know who talking.
Stick with it Kelly. I am the only way.....That's Jesus talking.
Great post and a reminder that little persists has a great outcome.
I love this bread...and I love you for making this great connection for my addiction to my Jesus!! Yeah!
In regard to the Esther study I am doing it with a great group of women at our church...love it!
I've made that bread once before. I guess it's kind of like waiting on God. :) Enjoy the chocolate of your labor!
Why does it seem like you're talking to me on SO many of your posts????
I liked this post.
I tried making that bread once....it ended up growing mold. Good Luck!!
Boy, it's been years since a neighbor gave me that bread starter. I think we got a loaf out of it, but I probably didn't pass it on. I've worked over the years to be better at goin' and tellin' it on the mountain, too.
Jesus Christ is Lord!
I love Bread...and Jesus...and Chatty Kelly...and HH's nyuks...and Chocolate Shakes...and Elvis...and SB's big butt...and the Blogsphere...and Thankful Thursdays...and Bee Bee guns....and..
Kelly, you are right...the Bread of Life is much better than the boxed variety! :)
I've learned that rather than us trying to be more like Jesus, HE TRANSFORMS US as we abide in Him, delight in His Word and daily digest our portion of the Living Water and Bread of Life! Amen Kelly!
Love you friend!
PS -- I have to admit...in the past I have received a "starter" for friendship bread and let it go sour due to my lack of interest in seeing it through. Hopefully, I am more diligent and careful of my real Bread.
Thank you for the warrior link. It was very interesting...
Love you bunches,
Warning this bread is very fattening and very addictive, I love your analogy.
Well..I've never heard of Amish Friendship Bread. Wonder if you can get in Australia? Sounds fascinating!
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