The school year winds down for my preschooler in just 3 weeks, and for my elementary aged daughter in just 5 weeks. With the end of the year comes lots of field trips and school productions. My schedule is jamming up. I need to cut back some where.
So effective immediately, my blog will be going to a reduced schedule. My plan is to post on Mondays and Fridays for devotions, and post Thankful Thursdays as often as possible. If you follow my blog, you'll always know when I post! (You never know when I'll get on a roll & post extra!) So if you don't follow, just click the "FOLLOW" button on the right to make sure you don't miss anything.
To my bloggy friends, please know I'm still jumping around & visiting as much as I can, but for the next few weeks I may not comment as much.
Ready for Summer Vacation -
I know what you mean. Enjoy your children and have fun on those field trips.
Very glad you know your limits:) Blessings as summer comes around and you get more family time.
Again you show your great wisdom. We'll miss reading you as often, but I so applaud you...hear the clapping?
God bless you and your family,
Amen! I'm in the same boat, however, I'm the preschooler (teacher) that is finishing up in the next 3 weeks and my own boys will be finished in about 6 weeks. Field trips, band concerts, end of year picnics, baseball games, IEP meetings and preschool graduation are all on my plate! At least we may get a day of rest on Mother's Day?!
High fives to you, girlfriend! You are making a wise decision!
God will honor you as you honor Him with your time and love.
And your bloggy friends are secure in your bloggy friendship (comment or not!)!
Enjoy your cherubs!
Enjoy those precious moments, they slip away all too soon. We'll still be here. Blessings, SusanD
Whew, I am so glad you went first. I was about to confess the same thing. I am swamped with all these trips and this time of year is just crazy if you are like me and grow a lot of plants. I just want to scream; Calgon take me away.
Good for you! When the writing becomes a chore or something else to stress about, it takes the joy out of it.
We'll still be you, so we'll know when you post.
Of course now I'll have to start using my calendar again.
Hey Kelly,
The end of the school year brings more activities into all of our schedules. I totally am there with you. Enjoy the excursions with your children. B
I feel the busy-ness, sistah. Leave it to you know to notice the gloves in the vid! Have a great little break. It's tempting me....
I have been feeling the craziness myself and my blog has been affected... I will continue to stop in and look forward to hearing about all the cool field trips.
Yes life is truly hectic and full, especially when you have little ones. I enjoy your site. Have a great time enjoying your little ones.
I'll be back to visit!
It's all about priorities; you're a wise woman!
BTW..there's someone that comments in Chinese who supports and argues for reincarnation on our blog comments. Just FYI!
I understand sweet sister. Have an incredible Summer!! Love ya!
Keeping priorities straight sounds like a winner to me!
Praying for you Kelly that you will stay in His balance for you and your family!
I understand! Look forward to still reading your blogs though!
I don't want excuses...just results. I suggest you pull out your Wonder Woman cape from the closet and get busy with blogging.
No more comments from CK :(
I'll probably post less as the time goes by, too. It's the quality that matters more than the quanity.
You know Kelly, there is wisdom in knowing our limitations. I only post once a week because it's all I can manage.
Have FUN with your kids...they are far more important than your blog.
You go girl, and be blessed. :)
Please stop by my blog and read my Golden Heart post. There is something there for you!
Totally understand - it's a busy time of year. (But your 9-year-old might be interested in the chapter books on today's giveaway!)
Enjoy those kids. They grow up way too fast.
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