Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thankful Thursday - 1/8/09

If it's Thursday, it's time to give thanks. (Yes, every day is time to give thanks. But on the blog, it's Thursdays.) This week's things I'm thankful for:

1. I am thankful for the wonderful Christmas holiday, and the joyous time I spent with my family. The kids had great playdates, and went to the movies, and it was wonderful. I also have 99% of my Christmas stuff put away (1% is the random stuff that keeps popping up).

2. I'm equally thankful the kids have gone back to school this week. I love their school with Christian educators and administrators, where they pray daily and learn about God as well as academics.

3. I'm thankful I started working on my book this week! I spent several hours on Monday doing discovery work, emailing, phoning and faxing. Leg work - but necessary.

4. I'm thankful for antibiotics; my little one has an ear infection. After being up a lot on Tuesday night with pain, I'm thankful that we have drs to find the cause, meds to fix it and for sweet sleep!

5. I'm thankful for all the encouraging words on my blog on Monday. "You like me, you really like me!" *

If you want to post your own Thankful Thursday post or to read more, visit Truth 4 the Journey by clicking the button below.

Thankful Thursday at Truth 4 the Journey

Chatty Kelly

*My husband asked this morning "What does that mean in #5?" So for those of you who have missed the "You like me" joke, here is the information (Source: Wikipedia): 'Sally Field won an Academy Award in 1985 for her starring role in Places in the Heart. Her gushing acceptance speech is well-remembered for its earnestness. She said, "I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!"The line ending in "...I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!" is often misquoted as simply "You like me, you really like me!" which has subsequently been the subject of many parodies.'


My ADHD Me said...

We like you!! We really like you!!!!

Kit Wilkinson said...

I like your thankful Thursday! Thanks for sharing. Hope your little one is feeling better.

Pam from alertandorientedx4 said...

You always make me smile. We really DO like you!

Greg C said...

How did you guess that we like you? You are just a likable person. I love reading your thankful Thursday posts. Keep them coming.

Edie said...

Yes we do like you! We really, really do! And it cracks me up that you can't say that without the full blown explanation. LOL! Of course I was one of those that needed the explanation to begin with. :D

Truth4thejourney said...

Those extra Christmas decorations that keep popping up are like the one sock that I pull out of the dryer?? What is going on with that? LOL!!

Thank you for sharing these beautiful things with us!

Have a blessed day, my friend!

God's girl said...

See, I needed the explanation because I figured it came from ADHDMe's chatroom, so I am so glad you explained:)

But yes, we like you, we really, really like you!

Edie said...

"This prayer's for you Jesus, amen."
I LOVE IT!! And you know her FATHER was grinning from ear to ear when He heard it too. He doesn't miss much ya know. :)

Irritable Mother said...

Alrighty then. This makes the FOURTH time I'm trying to leave a comment.
See? I must really like you. Why else would I keep trying to do something which is making me so, ahem, irritable??!!
Anyway, I am curious. What's the book about?

sailorcross said...

What a great list of thankfuls!! Yes, what is it with socks and the dryer. I have a whole basketful that are single socks. I keep hoping the other one will turn up somewhere!!

And yes, we REALLY like YOU!!!!


Marla said...

I really don't think anyone could not like you! Your a great person who shares and teaches me lots of things,and I appreciate knowing you through blogging.