Before my kids do something they aren't supposed to do, they glance over at me, to see if I'm watching. Then I flash them "the look." For me, the look is eyebrows up, mouth straight and tight, eyes bulge slightly. The look says "I see you, don't do it!" They quickly return to doing good and don't get into trouble.
I wonder if God has "the look." How many times before I get into trouble, does God flash me the look saying, "I see you, don't do it." Before I say something about someone I shouldn't...the look. Before I fly off the handle yelling at my kids for some minor offense...the look. Before I tell my husband what he did wrong in my oh, so superior tone of voice...the look.
How come the look works on my kids, but not on me? One key reason. Before my kids do wrong, they look to me. If, before I was about to mess up, I would simply look to my Father, to God, then I might see the look. I might hear the warning. I might not mess up. The answer is clear. I need to change my focus, and keep my eyes on God.
Psalm 25:15 -- My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.
Psalm 119:18 -- Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
Hebrews 12:2 -- Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Whoa, Kelly!! I know I STILL have the look with my kids--even though they are 27, 25 and 23!! They call it "crazy eyes"!!! Which means, of course, "Watch out--she sees, she hears, she's not happy."
And I still remember my own mother's look after all these years--the pursing of her lips and eyebrows furrowed!!
And you are so right--we need to stop and LOOK for God's look at us--turn our eyes to Him and think before we speak or act--is this something that would make God smile or make Him frown??
Good post and good analogy!!
I think some days I get the look more than others!!!
The kids tried to be where they couldn't see me; but most importantly I couldn't see them. Yes...I know the look. Whenever I stay focused on God and even thinking "Does this please, You, God?" I am so much keener in discernment, wisdom and understanding.
You have encouraged me to keep myself near God at all times. I don't want the consequences of going my own way that might not please God. I'd rather deal with the life interruption of "the look."
Loved this.
The look of love is in your eyes....
True love isn't always a pretty face. And, we should be blessed that God continues to look our way at all, even in spite of ourselves. (Thank You, Jesus!) He can look away, too, and that is definitely a more frightening thought than facing "the look."
I wish "the look" actually worked with my kids--LOL!!
This is so true, Kelly! We don't look to our father before doing wrong, but we should!
Loved this!
You hit that nail on the head Kelly. I know when I am about to do something wrong, I already know deep down inside that it is wrong so the last thing I would do is look up. Like you said, if we would just take the time to stop and get God's approval we wouldn't mess up so much. Well I wouldn't anyway, I shouldn't say we. :)
Yes I too have that look and use it often. Sometimes the look doesn't work though and they continue to do bad things but I still love them just like God still loves me when I mess up.
Great Scripture today!!
What a terrific message! God's timing is so wonderfully perfect! This is just what I needed to hear today. Thanks for the lesson. As always, I am so thankful I stopped by. Love, Heather
This one really shoots to the heart. So true, but something I often "overlook"- looking to my Father when I'm about to mess up.
I love this, Kelly.
Good word today, as always. I can see this expanded as a magazine article.
The few times that I have glanced up and seen "The Look" from God it really has worked.
Unfortunately, more often, and sadly, if I glance up AFTER I have done what I knew I shouldn't have...I see "The Other Look". That's the look of disappointment.
Thank You God For Forgiveness.
I have heard the term "I got a check in my spirit." That's "The Look"! Oh yeah, we all know the look. Great post.
I, too, have experienced the "look", that inner witness of the Holy Spirit, that says..."Don't go there." I'm blessed when I listen and obey, and convicted when I choose to ignore the "look" (the quiet voice).
God never gave me "the look" although I wish I could get off that easy sometimes. But NOOOO, God always seems to have something else up his sleeve when it comes to teaching me something He wants me to know.
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I remember that look too! I love your blog!! Will be back to visit.
I love this analogy CK! I have seen the look, sometimes the one before and sometimes the one after.
Wow! What a light bulb moment for me!
"If, before I was about to mess up, I would simply look to my Father, to God, then I might see the look."
May I recieve "the look" next time I am about to mes up!
Thanks for sharing the wisdom our children have yet we are still learning!
Hey Girl,
I know the look.
My mom had it mastered. One highly raised eyebrow and a straight-lined tight mouth. OOOOOgh! (Shiver) It can still stop me in my tracks.
I think the look God would give if we could see it wouldn't be that scary "Don't you dare" look. I think it would be one of saddness.
Nothing breaks the heart of God as much as my sin.
Thanks for a great post!
Yes, Sister. You are absolutely right!!! If we would just keep our eyes fixed upon Him.
Now, about your kids. Do they really stop what they're doing when you give them "the look"??? I need to take some lessons from you to improve my look!
Oh, I think I look like the Grinch when I give "the look"...I even turn green. It's not pretty.
I love that HIS eyes of perfect love are on us all the time. It's both comforting and convicting.
So well said! If we keep our eyes on God, it's much less likely we will mess up!
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