Yesterday was the first day of Advent. The word Advent literally means "coming" or "arrival.” The Advent season is the time where we are waiting for the coming of Christ. We do this historically, remembering His first coming as a child in Bethlehem. But we ought to also be thinking about His second coming as well, when He “comes in His glory.” And what a glorious time it will be when Christ comes again. “There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” (Revelation 21:4) If we only focus on the fact that Jesus came, we might miss the fact that He is coming again.
As Christmas draws near I often hear people say “I’m not ready for Christmas!” meaning they aren’t done shopping, wrapping, cooking or decorating. Being ready for Christmas isn’t what “Christmas” is about at all. The question isn’t are you ready for Christmas, but are you ready for Christ? And if you aren’t, what are you waiting for?
Lord, as we prepare each thing this holiday season; gifts, décor and meals; help us to also remember that we need to prepare the way for the Lord, just as He has prepared a place for us in your, His Father’s, house. In Jesus name, Amen.
Originally published NHPC Advent Devotional - 1996, Kelly Combs, aka Chatty Kelly
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Well said. Amen
What a graet analogy, Kelly!
Timeless post. Thanks for the inspriration to be ready for Christ!
Yes, thanks for reminder of what the main thing really is. I can get so caught up with the Holiday wrappings I overlook the Gift. He is the reason for all life!!! Yes ...He's alive and He's coming back.
Of course Christmas is a wonderful time. We all love to celebrate Christ's birth. However, isn't it odd how we celebrate his birth so much more than we celebrate Easter?
I'm sure there must be a reason and more than likely you or someone reading this knows the answer.
(And I surely hope it isn't Santa Clause) If so, someone please let me know.
As I have said before, I am learning so much from Ck's and the rest of your blogs, but sometimes I still feel like I am singing, "Jesus Loves Me This I Know" while the rest of you are singing "Handel's Hallelujah Chorus". :)
Really, we could celebrate Advent DAILY, and remember that Christmas happened (because the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us is pretty spectacular!).
ADHDMe.... Wouldn't it be great if we learned that God fogs the minds of the marketers in that they can't "top" what they "do" at Christmas? Christians would again have the tug-o-war over messages. (Not that we should, but we do, don't we?)
Let those who have ears, let him hear! Let's celebrate Christ's coming and always.
Thanks, CK, for the post and excellent, praise-worthy thoughts!
So true, Kelly.
But I still feel pressure with your little timer over there counting down the days 'til Christmas.
Jesus, I'm ready for. Christmas...well, have mercy! :)
Well I have to say that I am ready for Christmas and I hope I am ready for Jesus. I pray several times a day and ask for guidence and forgiveness. But like getting ready for a trip, sometimes I think that I must be forgetting something. I feel like ADHD too sometimes. But I keep trying.
When I was a child, we did the advent wreath and advent candles at home as well as at church. I loved that. Yesterday, the song "Oh come oh come Emmanuel" took my heart to that place of preparation. Advent... a wonderful thing. I'm going to make that a study this week. Thanks for a great post.
This is a great post CK. I am ready for His coming, getting ready for Christmas, but advent has fallen by the wayside over here. :o
Waiting in anticipation, and excitement!!
Amen, girlfriend! You are so on target.
I LOVE your sis's comment at the end of hers--I am singing Jesus Loves Me right along with her!!! :)
Great post!
I found you through Sonya's and Julie's blog so I thought I would come and say hi.
I met Sonya at the SheSpeaks conference but I didn't get to meet you.
I was so stressed about the publisher appts that I'm afraid I didn't meet too many people.
I look forward to getting to know you through blogging.
Amen! Such a beautiful and powerful message, Kelly!
I love your thoughts,you always make me think.
I won't be saying that I'm not ready for Christmas ever,again!
Hi Kelly, I just found your blog tonight. I guess I was kind of "drawn" as great minds think alike :)
Our post today are so similar!
Blessings to you,
USAGE NOTE: Xmas has been used for hundreds of years in religious writing, where the X represents a Greek chi, the first letter of , “Christ.” In this use it is parallel to other forms like Xtian, “Christian.” But people unaware of the Greek origin of this X often mistakenly interpret Xmas as an informal shortening pronounced (ksms). Many therefore frown upon the term Xmas because it seems to them a commercial convenience that omits Christ from Christmas.
Hi Kelly I saw this at Lea's blog .. wow thanks for this info very interesting..hugs,Patty
Hi Kelly... I am one of those Christians that do not celebrate Christmas but I must say that I absolutely enjoyed your post. Once sentence in particular stood out:
"If we only focus on the fact that Jesus came, we might miss the fact that He is coming again."
This is an awesome point and I am so happy that your brought it out. I wish you and your family a happy holiday season and pray that many more will keep His second coming in mind as they celebrate this season.
Hi, Kelly!
Loved the article in P31 November issue (that I just received right before Thanksgiving). Congrats! Well written and heart-felt! :) Rejoicing with you! :)
Come, Lord Jesus! Amen!
Won't it be a GRAND MOMENT when He RETURNS!!! Makes me think of the casting crowns song ... all the people who will be found sleeping.
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