My husband parents are in their late 80's. They have been married for 66 years. They are amazing to watch. Yes, they can argue like no body's business, but there is love, and respect, and perseverance there. They've worked hard their whole lives, working the Iowa farm as a tenant family, and raising two sons.
Mary (hubby's mom) now walks on a walker. Rheumatoid arthritis has twisted her joints, and she's had several back and foot surgeries. Diabetes compounds the healing issue. Joe (hubby's dad) has had several strokes. He has no dexterity in his fingers and shuffles his feet when he walks.
My husband visited them in conjunction with his high school reunion last week. He noted that it requires both of them to do household jobs. His mom is the hands...she buttons her husband's shirts, and does anything that requires dexterity. His dad is the feet. He does most of the cooking, since he can stand unassisted, and has full arm movement even without the finger movement. I suspect neither could live alone, without the other. But together, they complete one another making it possible. They are truly two becoming one.
They are independent minded, and continue to live unassisted. The time may come, sooner than any of us would like, that they do need some outside help. But for now, they work in tandem, a beautiful picture of marriage as God intended it. Two working as one for the same goal.
And as Paul said, all parts of the body of Christ.
Matthew 19:4-6 -- "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
Romans 12:4,5 -- Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.
1 Corinthians 7:4 -- The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.

So true. As one gets older this is what happens, you lean on one another more, you rely on the one who sees your needs, you try to give to those needs also.
What a sweet description of your in-laws. I think we need to re-name that whole relationship connection. Sounds too close to out-laws.
What a sweet picture of marrital love! Thank you for sharing this with us. :)
I hope my hubby and I can help eachother long into our senior years.
I love this example your husbands parents are giving us just by living their lives. I love this story of two becoming one and my hope is all of our marriages could be so beautiful!
Someone in our blogosphere circle just used a wonderful term for 'in-laws' that was so much better. Of course, at the moment, I can't retrace my steps to find it.
God's plan is revealed so clearly in Mary and Joe--how He drew them together to fit in His perfect plan for His purposes and for them (through marriage, children, grandchildren, etc.). Not unlike another Mary and Jo(seph), who also had some challenges, but were kept together for Divine purposes.
What a blessing to us all that you lift them up today!
It has always amazed me when I see couples like that. They truly do become one. What a lifetime they have had. And a love that has withstood many trials I am sure. Notice the Bible says "Love is patient and kind". I'm sure it says patient first because without the patience there would not be kindness,
That was so beautiful. Thank you for that reminder! What a blessing they are to each other.
Love ya,
Knowing God will bless people with your obedience to blog on marriage this week!
This brings a smile to my face.. the thought of marriage as God intended it to be is amazing. I pray they are able to live unassisted for years to come.
What a beautiful picture you're painted here CK of God's plan and purpose for marriage to complete each other.
It is not possible to complete another without seeing and accepting the other's weaknesses, and then filling in the gap that those weaknesses leave. This culture would have us belive otherwise. That we should be self seeking, but God has a better plan and it's one that works.
Sue J - Lea at the Shabby Olde Potting Shed refers to her DIL as her daughter-in-love. Is that it?
Edie--Lea and Amy Wyatt (our friend from "Then Sings My Soul Saturdays") are thinking like-minded. Amy used "mother-in-love" in her last blog (finally found it).
Much dearer terms, don't we think?
What a beautiful picture you've given us today.
My mother-in-law Catherine was one of my very best friends until she went to dance with Jesus in January.
She poured into my life and I miss her terribly.
That is a lovely picture of marriage!
This is a lovely picture of marriage Kelly. My grandparents are much the same, the bicker constantly but rely on one another completely. There is so much love and respect between them and I'm so glad that they modeled what a marriage should be to my parents, to me and to my children.
I can only dream of being married this long.
What beautiful story on what commitment in marriage.
It reminded of my parents and how in thier last years they were there for each other.
When my mom broke her neck at the age of 86,my dad was there right by her side taking care of her needs and forgetting about his.
Beautiful tribute, Kelly.
Wow, wonderful post! What an incredible couple to look up to as well. A great picture of a loving marriage. It's sad that so many people don't truly appreciate marriage anymore. What a sweet couple!
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